I can’t get acrobat to do script all I get is “undefined”
here is my code
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
set js to "this.info.title;" as text
set foo to do script js
end tell
I can’t get acrobat to do script all I get is “undefined”
here is my code
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
set js to "this.info.title;" as text
set foo to do script js
end tell
ok well it has to do with unicode text.
I saved my js into a text file using mac roman and ran it that way and it work but I have to do it like this
set jsfile to "" & (path to current user folder) & "Desktop:test.txt"
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
do script file jsfile as alias
end tell
so how do I accomplish the same thing with out saving my js to a file ?