Hello! This is my first post and I’m very new to Applescripting.
I’m trying to create a script that, when a folder is dropped on it, will open the enclosed PDF’s in Acrobat, check the size and do a save as to the appropriate folder. For example: if the PDF is 0, 468, 684, 0 it should save to the 0_Flat folder created earlier in the script. When I run my script it acts like it will work until it gets to the save, then it errors saying that the document doesn’t understand the save message.
on open aList
with timeout of (30 * minutes) seconds
set CustFolder to item 1 of aList
tell application "Finder"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
set PathList to text items of (aList as text)
set PathCount to count of items in PathList
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set OriginalfileList to name of every file of CustFolder
set fileCount to count of items in OriginalfileList
set FlatFolder to (CustFolder & "0_Flat:") as string
set FoldFolder to (CustFolder & "0_Folded:") as string
set FlatFile to (FlatFolder)
set FoldFile to (FoldFolder)
set FlatFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Flat"}
end try
set FoldFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Folded"}
end try
set OriginalFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Original"}
end try
repeat with t from 1 to fileCount
set saveNo to "Yes"
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
set theDocA to item t of OriginalfileList
open ((CustFolder & theDocA) as string)
tell document theDocA
tell page 1
set {0, theHeight, theWidth, 0} to bleed box
set the_number_to_round to theHeight
set the_decimal_precision to 1
my round_to_decimal_places(the_number_to_round, the_decimal_precision)
set theHeight to result
set the_number_to_round to theWidth
set the_decimal_precision to 1
my round_to_decimal_places(the_number_to_round, the_decimal_precision)
set theWidth to result
end tell
end tell
if theHeight is 468 and theWidth is 684 then
set FlatFile to (FlatFolder)
set FoldFile to (FoldFolder)
end if
save document theDocA with linearize
close document theDocA saving no
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
repeat with i in OriginalfileList
move i to folder "0_Originals" of CustFolder
end repeat
display dialog "UHG script has completed successfully."
end tell
end tell
end timeout
end open
on round_to_decimal_places(the_number_to_round, the_decimal_precision)
set multiplier to 10 ^ the_decimal_precision
the_number_to_round * multiplier
round result
return result / multiplier
end round_to_decimal_places
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
This should get you going, i’m sure it can be cleaned up a bit, but runs fine as it is, ive set the code to not open the pdf’s but rather have them set to invisible so as to make things a bit quicker and less visually annoying.
no error checking at the moment.
on open aList
with timeout of (30 * minutes) seconds
set CustFolder to item 1 of aList
tell application "Finder"
set PathCount to count of items in aList
set OriginalfileList to name of every file of CustFolder
set fileCount to count of items in OriginalfileList
set FlatFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Flat"}
set FoldFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Folded"}
set OriginalFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Original"}
--set current view of container window of CustFolder to list view
set current view of container window of every folder of CustFolder to list view --or column view etc
(open folder CustFolder) activate
duplicate files of folder CustFolder to OriginalFolder
repeat with t from 1 to fileCount
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
set theDocA to item t of OriginalfileList
open ((CustFolder & theDocA) as string) with invisible
--open ((CustFolder & theDocA) as string)
tell document theDocA
tell page 1
set _1point to "0.3527777778" as number --1 point is this as mm
set {0, theHeight, theWidth, 0} to bleed box
set theHeight to ((round (theHeight * _1point) rounding up))
set theWidth to ((round (theWidth * _1point) rounding down))
end tell
end tell
if theHeight is 468 and theWidth is 684 then
--set mydoc to active doc
set mydoc to document 1
set myCustFolder to POSIX path of (CustFolder)
set NewPdf to myCustFolder & theDocA
tell mydoc
save to POSIX file NewPdf with linearize
end tell
close front document saving no
tell application "Finder"
set AllFiles to (files of folder CustFolder whose name is theDocA)
duplicate AllFiles to FlatFolder
delete AllFiles
end tell
--set mydoc to active doc
set mydoc to document 1
set myCustFolder to POSIX path of (CustFolder)
set NewPdf to myCustFolder & theDocA
tell mydoc
save to POSIX file NewPdf with linearize
end tell
close front document saving no
tell application "Finder"
set AllFiles to (files of folder CustFolder whose name is theDocA)
duplicate AllFiles to FoldFolder
delete AllFiles
end tell
end if
end tell
end repeat
display dialog "UHG script has completed successfully." giving up after 2
end tell
end timeout
end open
So much better than what I had! Only thing is, it’s putting all files in the 0_Folded folder. The files that are 468pt x 684pt should be going to the 0_Flat folder. Any thoughts?
on open aList
with timeout of (30 * minutes) seconds
set CustFolder to item 1 of aList
tell application "Finder"
set PathCount to count of items in aList
set OriginalfileList to name of every file of CustFolder
set fileCount to count of items in OriginalfileList
set FlatFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Flat"}
set FoldFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Folded"}
set OriginalFolder to make new folder at alias CustFolder with properties {name:"0_Original"}
set RightFolder to make new folder at FoldFolder with properties {name:"0_Right"}
set LeftFolder to make new folder at FoldFolder with properties {name:"0_Left"}
--set current view of container window of CustFolder to list view
set current view of container window of every folder of CustFolder to list view --or column view etc
(open folder CustFolder) activate
duplicate files of folder CustFolder to OriginalFolder
repeat with t from 1 to fileCount
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
set theDocA to item t of OriginalfileList
open ((CustFolder & theDocA) as string) with invisible
--open ((CustFolder & theDocA) as string)
tell document theDocA
tell page 1
set {0, theHeight, theWidth, 0} to bleed box
set the_number_to_round to theHeight
set the_decimal_precision to 1
my round_to_decimal_places(the_number_to_round, the_decimal_precision)
set theHeight to result
set the_number_to_round to theWidth
set the_decimal_precision to 1
my round_to_decimal_places(the_number_to_round, the_decimal_precision)
set theWidth to result
end tell
end tell
if theHeight is 468 and theWidth is 684 then
--set mydoc to active doc
set mydoc to document 1
set myCustFolder to POSIX path of (CustFolder)
set NewPdf to myCustFolder & theDocA
tell mydoc
save to POSIX file NewPdf with linearize
end tell
close front document saving no
tell application "Finder"
set AllFiles to (files of folder CustFolder whose name is theDocA)
duplicate AllFiles to FlatFolder
delete AllFiles
end tell
--set mydoc to active doc
set mydoc to document 1
set myCustFolder to POSIX path of (CustFolder)
set NewPdf to myCustFolder & theDocA
tell mydoc
save to POSIX file NewPdf with linearize
end tell
close front document saving no
tell application "Finder"
set AllFiles to (files of folder CustFolder whose name is theDocA)
duplicate AllFiles to FoldFolder
delete AllFiles
end tell
end if
end tell
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of FoldFolder
repeat with i in fileList
if (name of i) does not end with "_p2.pdf" then
move i to folder "0_Left" of FoldFolder
end if
end repeat
duplicate every file of folder "0_Left" of FoldFolder to folder "0_Right" of FoldFolder -- LeftFolder to folder RightFolder
end try
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set leftList to every file of LeftFolder
repeat with leftfile in leftList
set l to name of leftfile
if l ends with ".pdf" then
set l to (text 1 through -5 of l) & "_L" & ".pdf" as string
set name of leftfile to l
end if
end repeat
-- end tell
-- tell application "Finder"
set rightList to every file of RightFolder
repeat with rightfile in rightList
set r to name of rightfile
if r ends with ".pdf" then
set r to (text 1 through -5 of r) & "_R" & ".pdf" as string
set name of rightfile to r
end if
end repeat
end tell
display dialog "UHG script has completed successfully." giving up after 2
end tell
end timeout
end open
on round_to_decimal_places(the_number_to_round, the_decimal_precision)
set multiplier to 10 ^ the_decimal_precision
the_number_to_round * multiplier
round result
return result / multiplier
end round_to_decimal_places
Thank you so much for your help Budgie, I really appreciate it!!