First off, I have no clue if I phrased the Title of this correctly, but it’s the way that I think about this.
What I want is for Safari to be the application certain actions are committed in (eg. If I open Finder while I’m typing this post and click the “Center” button in this Safari window while Finder is running, it does nothing to this post even if no actual Finder window is open but it is still the application in front). Could something like this:
tell application "Extra Suites"
tell application "Safari"
set bounds of window "Top Sites" to {160, 22, 1219, 800}
end tell
ES move mouse {510, 273}
ES click mouse
delay 1
end tell
be done and keep Safari as the front window for the mouse move and click? Or would an extra
tell application "Safari"
set bounds of window "Top Sites" to {160, 22, 1219, 800}
end tell
have to be put in like this:
tell application "Extra Suites"
tell application "Safari"
set bounds of window "Top Sites" to {160, 22, 1219, 800}
end tell
ES move mouse {510, 273}
tell application "Safari"
set bounds of window "Top Sites" to {160, 22, 1219, 800}
end tell
ES click mouse
delay 1
end tell
so that Safari stays on top for both actions? (I know it’s not necessary to have the “set bounds of window” in both [or possibly either] of them but it makes sure that they’re in the right spot the entire time which is vital to the successful execution of the program.)
Or would neither of these be the best way to do this and should something else be done to make it work how I want it to?
Any suggestions, comments, questions, or feedback of any constructive value would be greatly appreciated.