actions determined on list in text file

I am trying a alpha program for the Mac (logos). You can buy libronix resources and use them in this program for Bible research. The problem is that the alpha version is having certain issues with some of this resources. Somebody has a batch program that creates and restores backups in Windows. I want to use this backup and use it on Mac. My question is:

Is there a way to script something that would prevent those files (I already created a txt file with the file names of the problem resources) from being copied from the backup to the Mac?

I am thinking something like this : (pseudo code)

for every file
if file is on bad_list or is older than file on mac then

I will appreciate any help (My first Post :),

Welcome Victor,

Can you show the format of the text file, for someone to pickup on this without guessing.
But reading a text file and using its contents in normally easy.

This is the content of the txt file:


Here is an example:

set File_list to paragraphs of (read file "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:fileList.txt")
set Backup_folder_path to "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:bkf"
set folder_path to "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:origFolder"
tell application "Finder"
	set aliasList to (every file of folder folder_path whose name is not in File_list)
	duplicate items of aliasList to Backup_folder_path
end tell

Here is an untested script to do the whole job – not elegant, but functional, I think:

set tPath to choose file with prompt "Choose the Bad List Text File"
set tBadList to paragraphs of (read tPath)
tell application "Finder"
	set newFiles to files of (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Folder Containing the Files to Be Moved.") as alias list
	set Destination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Target Folder.") as alias
	set DestFiles to files of Destination as alias list
end tell
-- Need file names and dates
set oldFileNames to {}
set oldFileDates to {}
repeat with aFile in DestFiles
	tell (info for aFile)
		set end of oldFileNames to name
		set end of oldFileDates to modification date
	end tell
end repeat
-- Get names and dates for new files
set newFileNames to {}
set newFileDates to {}
repeat with tFile in newFiles
	tell (info for tFile)
		set end of newFileNames to name
		set end of newFileDates to modification date
	end tell
end repeat
-- check for already there, if so check for date, then move
repeat with k from 1 to count newFiles
	if item k of newFileNames is not in oldFileNames then
		tell application "Finder" to duplicate (item k of newFiles) to Destination
	else -- there is a file by the same name, get it's location in Destination
		set idx to findIt(item k of newFileNames, oldFileNames)
		-- get its mod date to compare with the new file
		if item k of newFileDates > item idx of oldFileDates then
			tell application "Finder"
				delete item idx of DestFiles
				duplicate (item k of newFiles) to Destination
			end tell
		end if
	end if
end repeat

to findIt(aName, aList) -- a simple linear search assuming not many files
	repeat with k from 1 to count aList
		if item k of aList is aName then
			set idx to k
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	return idx
end findIt

Mark & Adam,

Thank you very much, I was able to do it with the examples provided. My question is now on Adam’s post.

I understood most of you code, but I got lost somewhere near the end. I also realized that you forgot the badlist; but by the example previously provided, I figure it out.
If possible, please explain this to me.

set idx to findIt(item k of newFileNames, oldFileNames)
       -- get its mod date to compare with the new file
       if item k of newFileDates > item idx of oldFileDates then
           tell application "Finder"
               delete item idx of DestFiles
               duplicate (item k of newFiles) to Destination
           end tell
       end if
   end if
end repeat

to findIt(aName, aList) -- a simple linear search assuming not many files
   repeat with k from 1 to count aList
       if item k of aList is aName then
           set idx to k
           exit repeat
       end if
   end repeat
   return idx

I am still not sure how this forum works, I have another question related to this. Should I start another post, or just ask here?
Here is my next question.

tell application "Finder"
   set newFiles to files of (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Folder Containing the Files to Be Moved.") as alias list
   set Destination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Target Folder.") as alias
   set DestFiles to files of Destination as alias list
end tell

Is there a way to limit the files in “DestFiles” to a certain file type (*.lbxlls)?

Thanks for the input,
Victor Gutierrez

Hello again,

I think I figure out my last question looking at the newest post :).

This is a modification of you code. All of this has not been tested (is just based in my observations). I replaced “new” with “backup” for clarity. The rest of the code will be the same. Now, my questions are:
Why is my code not indented (I am using spaces!)
Is this the best way to do it? and the most important question
Will this work?

set tPath to choose file with prompt "Choose the Bad List Text File"
set tBadList to paragraphs of (read tPath)
tell application "Finder"
	set backup to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Folder Containing the Files to Be Moved.") as alias
	set backupFiles to every file of backup whose name is not in tBadList as alias list
	set destination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Target Folder.") as alias
	set destFiles to files of destination as alias list
end tell

-- Need file names and dates
set oldFileNames to {}
set oldFileDates to {}
repeat with aFile in destFiles
	tell (info for aFile)
		set end of oldFileNames to name
		set end of oldFileDates to modification date
	end tell
end repeat

-- Get names and dates for new files
set backupFileNames to {}
set backupFileDates to {}
set cleanBackupFiles to {}
repeat with backupFile in backupFiles
	tell (info for backupFile)
		if name extension = "lbxlls" then
			set end of backupFileNames to name
			set end of backupFileDates to modification date
			set end of cleanBackupFiles to backupFile
		end if
	end tell
end repeat

-- check for already there, if so check for date, then move
repeat with k from 1 to count cleanBackupFiles
	if item k of backupFileNames is not in oldFileNames then
		tell application "Finder" to duplicate (item k of cleanBackupFiles) to destination
	else -- there is a file by the same name, get it's location in Destination
		set idx to findIt(item k of backupFileNames, oldFileNames)
		-- get its mod date to compare with the new file
		if item k of backupFileDates > item idx of oldFileDates then
			tell application "Finder"
				delete item idx of destFiles
				duplicate (item k of cleanBackupFiles) to destination
			end tell
		end if
	end if
end repeat

to findIt(aName, aList) -- a simple linear search assuming not many files
	repeat with k from 1 to count aList
		if item k of aList is aName then
			set idx to k
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	return idx
end findIt

It wasn’t indented because it didn’t compile. I changed an “it” to an “in” compiled it and replaced your version above.

set backupFiles to every file of backup whose name is not in tBadList as alias list

AFAIK, this is the part not likely to work (I didn’t try) because “whose” filters don’t work in lists. I think you’ll have to set up a repeat loop of the type “repeat with k from 1 to count backupFiles” to run through the unfiltered backup file list testing each: “is in tBadList” and replacing item k of the backupFiles list with “missing value” if the item is in the bad list. Then later, you’ll have to test for “missing value” (or some other marker) before executing loop operations on the items of backupFiles, like finding names or modification dates. One way to do this is with a try block, since missing value will fail in an (info for …) statement.

I don’t have time to unravel that further, alas. Hope that helps.

It does work, but will not in yours I think because you have made it an Alias list…, where as mine is an Applescript list.
document file “foo.txt” of folder “tests” of folder “Desktop” of folder “username” of folder “Users” of startup disk}

set backupFiles to every file of backup whose name is not in tBadList

*edit, Actually belay that. It returns the correct file even as an alias list.

How about this

tell application "Finder"
	set File_list to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Choose the Bad List Text File"))
	set Backup_folder_path to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Target Folder.")
	set folder_path to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the Folder Containing the Files to Be Moved.")
	set aliasList to (every file of folder folder_path whose name is not in File_list and name contains ".lbxlls")
	repeat with i from 1 to number of items in aliasList
			set this_item to item i of aliasList
			duplicate this_item to Backup_folder_path
		on error err
			if err contains "An item with the same name already exists in the destination" then
				set mdtd to modification date of this_item
				set mdto to name of this_item
				set bk to ((Backup_folder_path & mdto as string) as alias)
				set mdtbk to modification date of bk
				if mdtd > mdtbk then
					duplicate this_item to Backup_folder_path with replacing
				end if
			end if
		end try
	end repeat
end tell

I did name contains ".lbxlls", because my system would not recognise the name extension “lbxlls”
Maybe yours will?

The script only duplicates files with “.lbxlls” in the file name and whose Mod date is newer than the backup.

You should note that any script like this that uses repeats like how they are used here to process and duplicate each file rather than all file at once (like my original script) can take longer to do the job.

Thank you again,

I tried the last version of the program, and is working like a charm.

Thank you very much,
Victor Gutierrez