Add attachment to current draft window (entourage)

Hey ya’ll,

Any thoughts how I can add an attachment to the current draft window of entourage? I’m at my wits end!

Here’s what I’ve got so far:

set x to choose file with multiple selections allowed

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	set TheWindows to windows
	set Current_Message to item 1 of TheWindows
	tell Current_Message
		set properties to {attachment: x}
	end tell
end tell

Give this a try

set theAttachments to choose file with multiple selections allowed

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
		if class of window 1 ≠ draft window then error number -128
	on error
	end try
	set draftMessage to window 1
	make new attachment at draftMessage with properties {file:theAttachments}
end tell

OH SO SIMPLE, as per usual!!!

45 minutes yesterday. 45 seconds today!

Thanks so much for your help, James.
