Add Date to Folder Name

One would think this would be simple, but after endless searches here and with Google, I still don’t have a solution to the following script.

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions

tell application "Finder"
	make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"MacBook Pro Documents"}
end tell

This works perfectly and I end up with a folder on the Desktop named “MacBook Pro Documents”.

What I’m looking to do is end up with a folder named “MacBook Pro Documents 2024/12/25” Another words, append the current date to the name.

You should stay away from using path delimiters in the name, but how about:

tell ((current date) as «class isot» as string) to set ISODate to text 1 thru 10
tell application "Finder"
	make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"MacBook Pro Documents" & space & ISODate}
end tell

That works absolutely perfectly, thank you.

Why use a tell block when this makes more sense

set ISODate to text 1 thru 10 of ((current date) as «class isot» as string)

I tend to use that form as the tell statement allows some shortcutting if you want to rearrange the text, for example:

tell ((current date) as «class isot» as string) to set ISODate to text 1 thru 4 & text 8 thru 10 & text 5 thru 7

That’s pretty cool. I never thought of that

How do you type the symbols before and after class isot? It’s probably obvious but I’m not having any luck figuring it out.

set shortDate to short date string of (current date)
tell application "Finder" to make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"MacBook Pro Documents " & shortDate}

Better yet, you can create variables and set their values to the new folder you created. This way you can have your code interact with those new folders…

set shortDate to short date string of (current date)

tell application "Finder"
	set datedFolder to make new folder at desktop with properties ¬
		{name:"MacBook Pro Documents " & shortDate}
	delay 0.1
	set subFolder to make new folder at datedFolder with properties ¬
		{name:"Sub-Folder  " & shortDate}
end tell

You can also tighten up the code a little bit like this…

tell application "Finder"
	set datedFolder to make new folder at desktop with properties ¬
		{name:"MacBook Pro Documents " & my short date string of (current date)}
end tell
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You can get those with option and shift+option | (pipe).

Thank you. I see it now on the keyboard viewer but I sure missed it previously.

The script provided by “red_menace” works perfectly and produces MacBook Pro Documents 2024-12-26. But just as a curiosity, what would need to be changed to produce MacBook Pro Documents 2024/12/26?

Or is there a macOS reason why the format 2024/12/26 should not be used?

Yes, don’t use slashes and backslashes in file names, since that is a the folder delimiter in pathnames.
Although Mac will let you use them, lots of programs, especially uixy ones, will have major problems working with those files.

The ISO date class string format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, so you can rearrange the pieces however you want. Just keep in mind that POSIX paths use the forward slash / for the path delimiter and the Finder uses the colon :. These usually get converted when coercing between the two, but you should really try to avoid using them in names. As an example, if you were to use the time portion of the string as-is for a file name using the Finder, the result would be some extra folders. If you still want to use the slash, it would be:

tell ((current date) as «class isot» as string) to set ISODate to text 1 thru 4 & "/" & text 6 thru 7 & "/" & text 9 thru 10

Or more simply:

do shell script "date \"+%Y/%m/%d\""

If using a shell script to create the folder, you can put colons in the name where you want slashes to appear in the HFS representation:

do shell script "echo $(osascript -e 'quoted form of (posix path of (path to desktop) & \"MacBook Pro Documents \")')$(date \"+'%Y:%m:%d'\") | xargs mkdir -p"

Thank you for the explanation regarding the “/”. It’s always a good day when I learn something new. Today’s a good day! I will stick with the yyyy-mm-dd format.

Whenever possible, I try not to risk the integrity of the space-time continuum by using an AppleScript to call a shell script that uses AppleScript with a shell script. :stuck_out_tongue:


without using osascript

do shell script "echo $\"" & (quoted form of (POSIX path of (path to desktop) & "MacBook Pro Documents ")) & "\"$(date \"+'%Y:%m:%d'\") | xargs mkdir -p"

Yet another approach at the iso8601 date string…

use scripting additions

set t to (current date) as «class isot» as string
set isoDate to text 1 thru ((offset of "T" in t) - 1) of t
tell application "Finder"
        -- in case folder exists and I don't want an if statement to test for it
        make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"MacBook Pro Documents " & isoDate}
    end try
end tell

Works equally well. So, there are a number of solutions that were given me here. But, my AppleScript skill set is modest at best, so, unless someone were to explain why one solution would be preferred over another, I’ll just stick with the one given by red_menace in post #2.

Often there are multiple ways to code a solution to a problem. It can be simply a matter of preference rather than which is better, and red_menace’s solution appears to appeal to you.