Add Login Item for List of Users

Ok, so we have:

set the_app to "/Applications/"
tell application "System Events" to make login item at end with properties {path:the_app, hidden:false}

How would I change this to add the login item to a list of users? Something like…

set user_list to {"user1", "user2", "user3"}
set the_app to "/Applications/"
repeat with i in userList
    tell application "System Events" to make login item at end with properties {path:the_app, hidden:false} for user i
end repeat


I figured it out using the “defaults” command.

Could you please post back to submit your solution? :slight_smile:

do shell script "sudo defaults write /Path/to/user/Library/Preferences/loginwindow '{
    AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary = (
            Hide = 0; 
            Path = \"/Path/to/\"; 
    BuildVersionStampAsNumber = 17371360; 
    BuildVersionStampAsString = 8J135; 
    SystemVersionStampAsNumber = 168036096; 
    SystemVersionStampAsString = \"10.4.7\"; 

In my case, we were only adding 1 application to each of the users, which was the script to mount their corresponding sharepoint. So, I just completely wrote over their loginwindow plist with this.

Also, you’ll need to do a: chown user:group /Path/to/user/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist

after editing it with the defaults program, as it changes the owner of the file to whomever was running the utility at the time.