Add todays date to folder name

I have the following to create a new folder & sub folders before going on to run a few photoshop batch routines.
What I have no idea how to do is add today’s date as DD-MM-YY after the current name. Where is the best place to pull this info from? For today as example: “Mark’s Web Images 17-02-06” many thanks

tell application "Finder"
	set filesList to files in inputFolder
	set MyWebImages to make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"Mark's Web Images" & "XXXXXX"}
	set MyWeb1200 to make new folder at MyWebImages with properties {name:"1200x1200 Layered Images"}
	set MyWeb400 to make new folder at MyWebImages with properties {name:"400x400 Images"}
	set MyWeb200 to make new folder at MyWebImages with properties {name:"200x200 Images"}
	set MyWeb100 to make new folder at MyWebImages with properties {name:"100x100 Images"}
end tell

The shell can easily give you the date you desire as follows:

date “+%d-%m-%y”

To make that into a ‘do shell script’ you must ‘escape’ the double quotes in the date command so they are properly passed to the shell.


set the_date to do shell script “date "+%d-%m-%y"”

Should do the job.


Browser: Safari 412
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Thank you andy it worked a treat both simple and effective just the ticket.