Hello all!
I have about 6 custom fields that I’ve created in Address Book. An example would be “Violin mod”.
How would I add data to a custom field in applescript?
Hello all!
I have about 6 custom fields that I’ve created in Address Book. An example would be “Violin mod”.
How would I add data to a custom field in applescript?
It looks as though you have to refer to them as objects of the contact info subclass(es) from which they were customised. So for instance, if I customise the default “friend” field to be a “Violin mod”, it’s still a ‘related name’ in AppleScript, but with a “Violin mod” label:
tell application "Address Book"
set value of (first related name of person "Test Contact" whose label is "Violin mod") to "Strad"
end tell