Address book - "home page" :(


I am trying to create a contact in Apple Address book with homepage. I spent over 3 hours looking for it!! I hope someone can help me out!!

here is what I have:

even though i can see that “home page” is purple like as if its a valid field, it still doesnt work. when i add it using urls, it does create homepage but it is marked as a custom field.

any help is greatly appreciated!

tell application "Address Book"
	set new_contact to make new person with properties {first name:First_Name, last name:Last_Name, organization:Company_Name, job title:Job_Name_Title, title:Name_Title, nickname:Nick_Name, home page:""}
	if Birthday_Date is equal to "" then
		set new_contact to make new person with properties {first name:First_Name, last name:Last_Name, organization:Company_Name, job title:Job_Name_Title, title:Name_Title, nickname:Nick_Name}
		set new_contact to make new person with properties {first name:First_Name, last name:Last_Name, organization:Company_Name, job title:Job_Name_Title, title:Name_Title, nickname:Nick_Name, birth date:Birthday_Date}
	end if
	tell new_contact
		make new custom date at end of custom dates with properties {label:"anniversary", value:Anniversary_Date}
		make new email at end of emails with properties {label:"Home", value:Email_2}
		make new email at end of emails with properties {label:"Work", value:Email_1}
		make new email at end of emails with properties {label:"Goole Talk", value:Google_Talk}
		make new email at end of emails with properties {label:"Yahoo Messenger", value:Yahoo_Messenger}
		make new address at end of addresses with properties {label:"Work", street:Work_Address_1 & Work_Address_2, city:Work_City, state:Work_State_Prov, zip:Work_Zip_Postal_Code, country:Work_Country}
		make new address at end of addresses with properties {label:"Home", street:Home_Address_1 & Home_Address_2, city:Home_City, state:Home_State_Prov, zip:Home_Zip_Postal_Code, country:Home_Country}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Work", value:Work_Phone}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Work", value:Work_2_Phone}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Home", value:Home_Phone}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Home", value:Home_2_Phone}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Mobile", value:Mobile}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Mobile", value:Mobile_2}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Pager", value:Pager}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Work Fax", value:Work_Fax}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Work Fax", value:Home_Fax}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"Other", value:Other}
		make new phone at end of phones with properties {label:"PIN", value:PIN}
		-- make new url at end of urls with properties {label:"homepage", value:""}
	end tell
end tell


This looks like a bug.

Applescript seems to be able to see the ‘home page’ value:

tell application "Address Book"
	-- make new record
	set new_contact to make new person with properties {first name:"Test", last name:"Name", home page:""}
	-- to update database
	-- return the last added person's homepage
	home page of item -1 of people
end tell

Best wishes

John M

Thanks for the reply John. However, if you check your address book, you wont see the home page. At least on my 10.6.2 i don’t see it. I just made sure i have all the updates as well.

Do you see the web address in your address book?

If this is a bug, do you know how I can create a issue tracker with apple?



Hi Riz,

I don’t see it in Address Book either, that is why I’m suggesting it’s possibly a bug.

To report it to Apple as a bug fill out a report here: (if you don’t have an Apple Developer account, you can sign up for a free one: )

Best wishes

John M