I’m new to AppleScript, but in an effort to get away from Entourage and use Mail/Address Book I want to learn. There are some things missing from Mail/AB that I want and as a newbie, could someone tell me what is/isn’t possible? Briefly, what I want to do is:
– Get Mail to auto-complete email addresses from nicknames in the AB
– Add people to groups from within the Mail address pane (or at least from Mail)
– A keyboard short-cut for “Edit Address Card” from within Mail address pane (am I missing this one?)
– Color labels for groups in Address book
– When one person has multiple email addresses, the ability to set the ‘default’ address so that Mail chooses that first
Any of this possible through a plug-in or something? I think there’d be a market for this kind of function.
That’s it, but in case any of this isn’t clear here’s my two biggest problems:
Say I have a friend called Masaaki Suzuki who we call ‘Zuki’ for short and who uses the email zuki@zuki.com. Even if I enter ‘Zuki’ in the nickname field of the AB, Mail will NOT find it for auto-complete. It finds ‘Zuki’ in the email and the end of the name in the address pane, but that’s all. I don’t want to have two AB records (one for Masaaki Suzuki and one for Zuki), but that’s the only work around I could so far think of.
Say Zuki has several email addresses including zuki@aardvark.com which he doesn’t use very much. Even if I enter “Masaaki” in Mail, Mail will auto-complete with the @aardvark address and I have to manually choose the @zuki address every time. In AB, under Edit → Edit Distribution List…, you can choose a default email for records that have multiple addresses, and Mail does get the right one if you mail to the Group as a whole, but it seems to always choose alphabetically when doing a simple auto-complete.
Sorry this was a bit long. Any help and advice to get me started would be welcome or if someone comes up with a cheap shareware script for all this, let me know! Alternatively, I’m always happy to be told how to do something I’m missing.