Adjust size of image view and window

I am working on an AS studio application that displays images from files.
What I want to accomplish is that the image view and window adjust to the size of the image. In fact, all I need is the dimensions of the image to make it work.
In Picture viewers, the program often displays the dimensions, shutterspeed, aperture etc. I would like to get access to this information too.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance,



iMagine Photo can pretty much do everything your after but it is probably outside of your budget, but depending on what you want to do it might be possible to do something that works for both you and me. I am the author of iMagine Photo.

e-mail me if you are interested and perhaps we can work something out.


Image events is built into 10.3. It doesn’t have lots of ‘fancy’ features, but it can certainly read your dimensions, get some other useful info, and manipulate images of any OSX-supported image type.

set tmpPath to choose file
	tell application "Image Events"
		set tmpImage to open tmpPath
		set {tmpImageX, tmpImageY} to dimensions of tmpImage
		set tmpImageName to name of tmpImage
		close tmpImage
	end tell	
on error error_message
	display dialog error_message
end try
