It’s been nearly a year since I have been working on some mash up code to do all sorts of tasks in adobe illustrator.
I am successfully changing colors currently by :
set iL to count every path item
set colorSwatches to swatchgroup "theColors"
set allColors to get all swatches colorSwatches
set swatchCount to count every item in allColors
repeat with i from 1 to swatchCount
set currentSwatch to item i of allColors
set currentName to currentSwatch's name
repeat with x from 1 to iL
set myItem to path item x
if myItem's selected then
set myItem's fill color to (swatch currentName's color)
end if
end repeat
I now need to add another condition in to check against. I need to make sure the selected item isn’t a Spot color or a certain named color.
It’s been so long since I have coded that I almost need to start from scratch, hoping someone will know the easy way to do this and jump start my reprogramming.