AFP Apple Script Wont Work

Hi All,

Can someone tell me where i am going wrong please.

I have an iPd with AFP on it and i want to run an Applescript that connects to the iPad at a certain dir. However, whenever i run the following AppleScript Freezes up, and ideas what impound wrong?

tell application "Finder"
	mount volume "afp:/iPad/Var" as user name "root" with password "alpine"
end tell

iPad - Name of Device
/Var - Dir trying to load
Username: Root
password: alpine - apple default

Any help is greatly appreciated

Hi all,

I fixed the issue:

tell application "Finder"
	mount volume "afp://root:alpine@"
end tell

  • = an IP Address

However, i still have a question. How to you get finder to open the mount as a window ?


Simply write

tell application "Finder"
   open (mount volume "afp://root:alpine@")
end tell

Happy Scripting