I’ve run a dozen searches, and I can’t seem to find how to connect to my wireless network without UI scripting internet connect! My network is “fortress”, and it has a simple little password, but I can’t get it to work.
I’ve tried variations on “connect to wireless network” but I can’t find the magic word.
Do you have the XNetwork.osax? That instruction is from it.
connect to wireless network “Fortress” plus
– ascii password (if required)
– hex password (if required)
– password for use for encryption (if required)
I saw that, but how???
Can you show me the EXACT script?
I tried: connect to wireless network “fortress” password “mitts”
but I get error 4114
I think it’s supposed to be ascii password.
That doesn’t work, it tells me that my password should be 5 or 13 characters long, and it is 8. Anyway, I’ll keep trying and get back to you if I have any luck. Thanks!