
Macbooks come with a system that when you come into range of a known router, it automatically connects using the keychain access passwords but the problem for me is that it’s not that effective. I want to create a shell script that shows the available routers. I don’t really care if it displays weather it displays that it’s password protected, just if it’s available in the local area. All that i really have to start with is the shell command “networksetup”, and even with that im not sure if it could help me.

Can anyone help me??? :confused:

I use AirRadar to do this.

The thing is that i need a code cuz it’s part of a bigger project that im working on. I need to find the routers then connect to it when it finds the correct one from a selected list. I’ll take a look at air raid anyway.


set networks to do shell script "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -s"

Oh wow :o thanks a a lot!

Your amazing.

haha i was so off with the network set up XD

It’s all good, that would have been the first place I started digging =)