Hi all my scripts have become corrupted, They want to open in os 9 for some reason. Here is what a very basic script ends up looking like when it gets corrupted (this is only part of it):
Hi me again, unfortunately I can’t post the crazy corrupt code (macscripter won’t let me).
Any help would be greatly appreciated, though, if anyone knows what’s going on.
Pete O’Connell
Hi Pete,
they are possible reasons, when you see a “crazy” code; after a operating system update script editor-parameters will change a bit (small improvements):
¢ remove older and incompatible scripting additions/plugins, install newer ones if they exists
¢ the use of old and obsolete commands are no longer supported (adjust your script and replace the older commands with newer ones, or rewrite your script in a shorter form, some commands are not more supported)
¢ read the new applescript dictionar (command+shift+“l”)to understand the new adopted methods in applescripting
¢ rarely, but in some cases, a script will change after running, but without negative effects on his functionality
Hi still no dice unfortunately. Here is a sample of the readable part of all my corrupt scripts.
“The kernel support for the dynamic linker is not present to run this program.”
Does that mean anything to anyone?
I have tried deleting old osax stuff.
This is a PPC G5 10.4.11 by the way.
I saw that you have posted these problems for awhile now. These are scripts you copied from another machine to your current machine I take it… and I guess you haven’t found any answers yet.
It seems your best bet would be to go back to the old machine and save the files as applescript text files instead of compiled scripts. Then bring the text files to your new machine and recompile them.
Hi I have tried that already. Also new script that I create on this machine get corrupted after a while too.