If you are satisfied with being able to modify only the values of properties of existing scripts, then you can certainly do that with load script, set scriptObj’s prop to ., and store script. load script and store script are both from the Standard Additions OSAX that comes, well standard, with AppleScript installations.
Here is an example of what that might look like:
on run
local scriptFileRef, scriptObj
display dialog "Click a button to select an activity:" with title "Choose Activity" buttons {"Cancel", "Create and Adjust", "Adjust Only"} default button "Create and Adjust"
if button returned of result is "Create and Adjust" then
* Create a script, save it, and run it from disk.
makeScript("This is the created script.")
set scriptObj to result
choose file name with prompt "Choose a file name for the new script:" default location (path to desktop folder) default name "Test Script.scpt"
set scriptFileRef to result
saveScript(scriptObj, scriptFileRef)
set scriptObj to missing value -- Dump the in-memory script object, so that we can only run it from the saved file.
run script scriptFileRef -- Run the script from the saved file, not from the script object that was in memory.
* We didn't create a script, so have the user pick an existing script to adjust.
choose file with prompt "Choose a script to load and adjust:" default location (path to desktop folder) of type {"scpt", "scptd", "app"} without invisibles and multiple selections allowed
set scriptFileRef to result
end if
* Load a script, adjust its theAction and theMessage properties, save it, and run it from disk.
* The script to load can have been saved by Script Editor, Standard Addition's "store script", or anything else that can write a script that Standard Addition's "load script" is able to read.
set scriptObj to result
adjustScript(scriptObj, "This is the adjusted script.")
choose file name with prompt "Choose a file name for the adjusted script:" default location (path to desktop folder) default name "Changed Script.scpt"
set scriptFileRef to result
saveScript(scriptObj, scriptFileRef)
set scriptObj to missing value -- Dump the in-memory script object, so that we can only run it from the saved file.
run script scriptFileRef -- Run the script from the saved file, not from the script object that was in memory.
end run
to makeScript(theText)
property parent : AppleScript
property theAction : "dialog"
property theMessage : theText
to doIt()
if theAction is "dialog" then
display dialog theMessage with title "Dialog"
else if theAction is "alert" then
display alert "Alert" message theMessage
error "Unknown action: " & theAction
end if
end doIt
on run
end run
end script
end makeScript
to loadScript(fileRef)
load script fileRef
end loadScript
to saveScript(scriptObj, fileRef)
store script scriptObj in fileRef replacing yes
end saveScript
to adjustScript(targetScript, theText)
local displayType
set displayType to choose from list {"dialog", "alert"} with title "Choose display type" with prompt "Choose a display type for the new script:" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
if displayType is not false then
set targetScript's theAction to first item of displayType
set targetScript's theMessage to theText
error "No selection made, unable to continue."
end if
end adjustScript
Like the comments indicate, it will work with either its own script, or any other script that load script can read. In this case, the loaded script must have the theAction and theMessage properties since those are what the adjustScript handler changes. For example, I tested the previous script with by loading a copy of the following script saved by Script Editor in each script format (normal script, script bundle, script app file, and script app bundle):
property theAction : ""
property theMessage : ""
property originScriptType : "sctpd" -- "scpt", "scptd", "app", or "app bundle"
on run
display dialog originScriptType & "<" & theAction & ", " & theMessage & ">"
end run
Other approaches are possible, but usually more involved. If you have a code template that you want to change a bit and write out as a new script, you can do that in AppleScript with a combination of script objects, run script, and store script; with do shell script (or directly using the command line) and the command line tool osacompile; or by scripting Script Editor or some other scriptable AppleScript development environment.
Edit history: Added summary of some other script building approaches. Some rewording.