AMTokenField for Numbers


I want to use an AMTokenField in conjuction with an stepper for input of integer numbers.
Therefore I created an AMTokenField and an stepper and bound both values to a parameter of the type “Number”.

This seemed to work well, but whenever I enter a negative value (e.g. -10) an “uncaught exception” is raised and the value of my parameter ist stuck to that value. I even cannot reset the value of the parameter neither with the stepper nor programmatically. The new value (e.g. 0) is reflected by the AMTokenField, but when I run the action, the old value (-10) is being used.

Now I started off to write a lot of code working around that issue, binding another parameter (Text) to the token field, linking it manually to the Number parameter (controlTextDidChange_), validating everything, excluding fields with tokens…

But as I have five such AMTokenFields and five steppers in my ui and they are all linked together (if you change a “minutes” field, this may change the “hours” and “days” fields as well), so this really makes up a lot of code - and I am not sure, if it will work flawless in the end.

Is there an easier way to do this?

EDIT: It seems the main issue is that values get stuck somewhere, somehow (no exception raised anymore). Now I wrote most of the workaround, but still my parameters get stuck somewhere and cannot be changed anymore.

code examples (it´s not complete as you can see):

on controlTextDidChange_(sender)
		set ctdcObj to sender's object
		set ctdcStr to ctdcObj's stringValue() as text
		tell me to log "controlTextDidChange_: " & ctdcStr
		if (ctdcStr = "-") or (ctdcStr = "") then return -- assuming the input is not complete
		if ctdcStr contains "$(" then return -- a token is used
			set ctdcVal to ctdcStr as integer
			set ctdcStr to ctdcVal as text
		on error
			set ctdcVal to 0
			set ctdcStr to ""
		end try
		if ctdcObj is yearsField then
		else if ctdcObj is monthsField then
		else if ctdcObj is daysField then
		else if ctdcObj is hoursField then
			set ctdcOldVal to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiHours") as integer
			if ctdcStr = "" then
				log "restore hours: " & ctdcOldVal
				my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(ctdcOldVal as text, "uiHoursToken")
				hoursField's setStringValue_(ctdcOldVal as text)
				log "set hours: " & ctdcOldVal & " -> " & ctdcVal
				my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(ctdcVal as text, "uiHoursToken")
				my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(ctdcVal, "uiHours")
			end if
		else if ctdcObj is minutesField then
		end if
	end controlTextDidChange_

validation on end of editing:

on updateTokens_(sender)
		log "updateTokens_"
			set uptStr to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiDaysToken") as text
			set uptStr to uptStr & my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiHoursToken") as text
			set uptStr to uptStr & my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiMinutesToken") as text
			if uptStr contains "$(" then
				log "Tokens are used"
			end if
		on error errText
			log errText
		end try
			set uptD to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiDaysToken") as integer
		on error
			set uptD to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiDays") as integer
		end try
			set uptH to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiHoursToken") as integer
		on error
			set uptH to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiHours") as integer
		end try
			set uptM to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiMinutesToken") as integer
		on error
			set uptM to my parameters()'s valueForKey_("uiMinutes") as integer
		end try
		set uptOff to (uptD * days) + (uptH * hours) + (uptM * minutes)
		-- log "updateTimes - input days: " & uptD & " hours: " & uptH & " minutes: " & uptM
		set uptD to uptOff div days
		my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(uptD, "uiDays")
		my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(uptD as text, "uiDaysToken")
		set uptOff to (uptOff mod days) as integer
		set uptH to uptOff div hours
		my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(uptH, "uiHours")
		my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(uptH as text, "uiHoursToken")
		set uptOff to (uptOff mod hours) as integer
		set uptM to uptOff div minutes
		my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(uptM, "uiMinutes")
		my parameters()'s setValue_forKey_(uptM as text, "uiMinutesToken")
		-- log "updateTimes - offset days: " & uptD & " hours: " & uptH & " minutes: " & uptM
	end updateTokens_