[ANN] ASObjC Explorer 4 update

FYI, an update is now available, including support for display of the AppleScript progress properties in Yosemite.


A major update of ASObjC Explorer, version 4.1, is now available, just in time for the holiday season.

This version incorporates a new and improved logging engine, incorporating extended AppleScript syntax styling and now resolving Cocoa objects – no more will you have to deal with «class ocid» id «data optr000…» entries.

You can read more here: www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/apps/explorer.html. You can also download it and try it out free for 30 days.

To celebrate, you can use the coupon code NEWLOG to receive a $US10 discount between now and the end of January. Ho, ho.

FYI, ASObjC Explorer has just had another update, this time adding “pretty printing” to the log, and automatic as-you-type insertion of pipes around handler and method names and parameters that clash with AppleScript terminology, among other things.

You can read about the changes here www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/apps/explorer4_changes.html. You can also download it and try it out free for 30 days.

The coupon code NEWLOG still offers a $US10 discount until the end of January.

Existing users can update via Check for Updates.

FYI, ASObjC Explorer has just been updated to version 4.1.17, with fixes relating to Sierra. Choose Check for Updates… to update.

Note also that ASObjC Explorer is no longer available for general sale. Barring bug-fixes, this is the last release – there will be no further development. You can read more here:


Registered users are eligible for a 50% discount on Script Debugger 6 until mid-November as compensation, and should email me for details.