[ANN] Update to AppleScriptObjC Explorer, errata for book

AppleScriptObjC Explorer 2.1 released

A free update to AppleScriptObjC Explorer introduces smart code-completion, as well as several other changes that make it the ideal external editor for AppleScriptObjC projects in Xcode 4.

The code-completion includes features such as automatic insertion of “current application’s” before class and enum names, conversion of Objective-C’s colon’s to AppleScriptObjC’s underscores in method names, and automatic wrapping in pipes where there is a clash with AppleScript terminology.

Other features are new shortcuts, including ten that can be user-defined, a navigation menu, new timestamp alternatives, and new options for loading external frameworks and AppleScript class files.

Version 2.1 is a free upgrade for existing owners, and is fully functional in free trial mode for 30 days. Further details are here: www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/apps/explorer.html

‘AppleScriptObjC Explored’ Errata

The errata page for the third edition has been updated: www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/apps/errata.html

The downloads link on the Mac OS X Automation page is down (for the free trial).

NOTE: Downloading version 2.0 works (by way of changing URL)

Thanks for catching that – fixed now (it should have been 2.1.0.zip).

FYI, I’ve decided to make future beta versions publicly available. Version 2.1.1b3 can be downloaded from www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/apps/explorer.html. The link is in the box on the right of the page, and it will be updated as new betas are available.

This version fixes some small bugs (mis-aligned line numbers, problem commenting empty lines, highlighting problem), and introduces a few new features, primarily split-screen editing.

FYI, v2.1.1 is now available.

FYI, 2.1.2b4 is now available. Probably the biggest change since 2.1.1 is that exceptions generate error dialogs, rather than just being logged. It also handles callbacks much better, has several new shortcuts, and supports ASObjC Runner.