Any item of a list without looping

I am trying to intercept unwanted downloaded files by setting up a Folder Action script attached to Downloads folder, which is - in a simplified version - pasted below:

property FileBlackList : {"Adobe Flash Player", "FlashPlayer"}

set myFileName to choose file

on FilterFilesNames(myFileForFilter)
	tell application "Finder"
		tell file myFileForFilter
			if name is in FileBlackList then
				display notification "The file " & name & " is in the list."
				delete myFileForFilter
				display notification "The file " & name & " is NOT in the list."
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end FilterFilesNames

This script is working, but I would like to replace the line:
“if name is in FileBlackList”
with something like:
“if name starts with (any item of FileBlackList)”, if possible without looping into all items of FileBlackList

Is that possible?



No. But the code for looping isn’t very long. The thing to remember is to get the name from the file first and then loop. It could get quite slow if you get the name from the file every time round the repeat.

property FileBlackList : {"Adobe Flash Player", "FlashPlayer"}

set myFileName to choose file

on FilterFilesNames(myFileForFilter)
	tell application "Finder" to set fileName to name of myFileForFilter
	repeat with thisItem in FileBlackList
		if (fileName begins with thisItem) then
			display notification "The file " & fileName & " is in the list."
			tell application "Finder" to delete myFileForFilter
			return -- Exit the repeat and the handler immediately after deleting the file.
		end if
	end repeat
	-- If we're here, the file wasn't deleted.
	display notification "The file " & fileName & " is NOT in the list."
end FilterFilesNames

Thanks Nigel.
In the meantime I have developed the script below. But your is not only more efficient but also more elegant.

property FileBlackList : {"Adobe Flash Player", "FlashPlayer"}

set myFileName to choose file

on FilterFilesNames(myFileForFilter)
	tell application "Finder"
		tell file myFileForFilter
			get every item of FileBlackList
			repeat with a in result
				if name starts with a then
					display notification "The file " & name & " is in the list."
					 delete myFileForFilter
					display notification "The file " & name & " is NOT in the list."
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end FilterFilesNames