I’m self-taught. Applescript is my first language. I’m using an old clamshell ibook as my auxiliary (away from my desktop) machine. The spec is: 320Mb, 10Gb, Firewire. I’m informed by my local user group that it could run Tiger, but there probably isn’t much point. So it’s Panther.
In general, I’m very pleased with the fact that a lot of my scripts still run, and that I did the thing it said in the book and put in (path to home) instead of directory names.
The one problem I’m tripping over all the time is that Panther seems to be very unforgiving about type, so I keep getting unforgiving error messages which so far have turned out to be that (why it can’t figure out what I mean to tell it the way Tiger seems to, I don’t know).
Are there other things I should look out for, or is there a tutorial somewhere on things I need to know running on Slightly Different OSs?
Regards, R
Model: Mac mini G4
AppleScript: whatever’s in Tiger
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
Sorry – variable types. What tends to happen is that I write a program wrong (probly bcuz I iz self-taught idiot script kiddie) on my Tiger box. If I go out and run it on my laptop (antique ibook clamshell, Panther) I get a sequence of uninformative error messages, and eventually I trawl through every line of it trying to change strings to numbers or the other way round explicitly, and if I’m lucky it starts to work.
This approach is probably deprecated
I suspect Tiger is cleverer, so does more guessing of what I probably actually meant, and good practice would be getting in the habit of doing this explicitly (and carefully) all the time.
I haven’t noticed such things, but then I’m not going backward from Tiger to Panther…I upraded from Panther to Tiger and never looked back.
I do know that Tiger’s AS Studio objects/events are much improved over Panther’s. Some things documented in Panther didn’t work (or work right) until Tiger came out.
If you can post an example of the kind of problem, error message, and fix, we might be able to point you in the direction of an explanation.