aol email & file attachment

I am developing a shareware app (made with RunRev - a 4GL) and have included scripts for opening emailers - new doc/email - having attachment already listed…the user then put in his recipient, subject etc.
I have done the above with Eudora, Outlook Express and others - BUT I cnnot figure out how to get it done with AOL.
Can anyone help me out by posting an applescript which:
Opens AOL creates new email doc places in a file attachment

A better question might be "Can I make an appleScript which opens AOL - new do - make attachment? -----------------------------------
So far my efforts have produced this script:

set tAttach to ¬
   (choose file with prompt "Select file")
tell application "America Online"
   make new document with properties {kind:mail}
   make new attachment with data {file:tAttach} 
end tell

Which produces the error: “America Online got an error: Can’t make a attachment”

: A better question might be "Can I make an appleScript which
: opens AOL - new do - make attachment?
: -----------------------------------
THANK YOU travis!
I found my answer in the archives in a reply which can be found by seraching with the following info…
Re: Scripting AOL mail
Posted By: travis Date: Tuesday, 4 July 2000, at 9:35 p.m.