App Rejected and Failed Appeal… The Sandboxing Depreciation of ASOC

Hi everyone, pretty angry right now.
You may know about my app Dialog Maker, on the app store, an ASOC app that helps you do user interaction code for AS. I just submitted a much needed update to comply with sandboxing.

I requested a temporary exception for apple events to AppleScript Editor. I use it for two reasons, first to insert text into the editor for extreme convenience, and also to get the title of the user’s script document.
As described in documentation there should be a way of getting a permanent entitlement for what I want but these “ACCESS GROUPS” do not exist, it seems that Apple was writing the documentation whilst coding, I can find their example for Mail (only one), but not iTunes, and I can’t find any other application’s access groups at all!
So based on the fact I need this feature, and Apple clearly failed in it’s responsibility to provide a legitimate path I submitted an appeal to my app’s rejection. It failed.

The man I spoke to didn’t seem to understand what he was talking about, and kept referring me to tech support and saying that it had been rejected, and he couldn’t say any more. I feel let down by the system, I feel like Apple couldn’t be bothered with us AppleScripters, and I feel the review team are horribly out of touch.

What do I do now? :frowning:


access groups are passive.

The entitlement is for gaining partial access to the scripting dictionary of other apps, if available.
AppleScript Editor does not provide access groups “ the Editor uses the outdated Carbon scriptSuite/scriptTerminology pair “ so there is no way to deal with access groups.

If you’re going to make your own app scriptable you can define access groups in your scripting definition file

I understand how they work, I feel that Apple, which is pushing sandboxing should on principle write access groups for its own apps. Can someone explain why the iTunes one doesn’t appear in the sdef file but the Mail one does??

I’m afraid not.

I guess, as the early days of iTunes were in Pre-Carbon and Carbon, the code still contains hybrid components (see the .rsrc files in the resources folder)

I’m sorry that didn’t make sense to me. Access groups are new, and Apple should still be working on them.

I was trying to say that the access groups of iTunes could be hidden in a rsrc file

Oh I totally understand. Are access groups old enough for that?
If they are hidden there, can I read them?

I have no idea, but consider that Apple has a bunch of options (private methods and frameworks) we don’t have

Either way Apple hasn’t done enough to make these usable as they should be, they are pushing security and sandboxing and ruining it here.

Take a look at NSUserAppleScriptTask. Maybe it’s a workaround

Thank you! I will. :slight_smile:

Probably your best bet is to forget about the Apple Store.

I’m not surprised you didn’t get the OK to insert text into Script Editor; your intentions might be honorable, but I can understand that it is viewed as a potential security hole.

Sigh, I can’t do that, I think I’m gonna have to spend a long time cutting out 100s of lines of code and cauterising the wounds. I need the Mac App Store :frowning: Before MAS it was awkward getting an app sold, now with Apple’s hold on the market it’s extremely hard. I can’t even ask for a tech support incident because of the hacker. AppleScript’s clipboard commands won’t need AS Editor right?