Append text to BBEdit doc via Quicksilver

I have failed to adapt the Applescript below to work with BBEdit, with a .taskpaper extension (I use TaskPaper BBEdit module:
It allows user to quickly Append a text to a single document storing multiple tasks, using Quicksilver to trigger script, with Growl notification.
It also looks for listed Projects to choose from, which back on BBEdit are Symbol. This part of the script, while very handy, is not a priority for me. But a solution would be very useful!


property documentName : “$.taskpaper”
property documentPath : “Mac:Users:X:Documents:$.taskpaper”
– the name of the default project that new tasks get added to
property inboxName : “inbox”

using terms from application “Quicksilver”
on process text inputString
my processLauncherInput(inputString)
end process text
end using terms from

on processLauncherInput(inputString)
– remember currently active app, so that we can return focus to it at the end
set lastApp to (path to frontmost application as string)
– figure out if TaskPaper was hidden (so we can hide it again at the end)
tell application “System Events”
set TPwasAlreadyRunning to (count (every process whose name is “TaskPaper”)) = 1
if TPwasAlreadyRunning then
set was_visible to visible of process “TaskPaper”
tell application “TaskPaper” to run
set was_visible to true
end if
set growlIsRunning to (count of (every process whose name is “GrowlHelperApp”)) > 0
end tell

		tell application "TaskPaper" to set theDoc to document documentName
	on error
		-- try to open the specified document
			tell application "Finder"
				open file documentPath
			end tell
			if TPwasAlreadyRunning then
				delay 2 -- wait a couple of seconds for TaskPaper to load the document
				delay 6 -- wait a few seconds for TaskPaper to actually start up and load the document
			end if
		end try
	end try
	tell application "TaskPaper"
		-- try to access the document with the specified name
		set openDocs to name of documents
		if openDocs contains documentName then
			set theDoc to document documentName
		else if (count of openDocs) = 1 then
			set theDoc to first document
		else if (count of openDocs) > 1 then
			set choice to (choose from list openDocs default items (item 1 of openDocs) ¬
				with prompt "Choose document" without multiple selections allowed)
			if choice is not false and (count of choice) > 0 then
				set theDoc to document (item 1 of choice)
			end if
			display alert "Sorry. I could not find a TaskPaper document to add your new task to." & return & ¬
				"Either edit the path to your document in the script or manually open the document " & ¬
				"in TaskPaper before using this Quicksilver script."
		end if
		set fullText to the text contents of theDoc
	end tell
	-- parse the input into task and project
	set projectName to inboxName -- default if nothing else gets specified
	if inputString contains ":" then
		set projTaskDict to my splitInput(inputString)
		set taskText to taskText of projTaskDict
		if length of projectName of projTaskDict > 0 then
			set projectName to projectName of projTaskDict
			set myProjects to my getProjects(fullText)
			if (count of myProjects) = 1 then
				set projectName to item 1 of myProjects
			else if (count of myProjects) > 1 then
				set defaultSelection to item 1 of myProjects
				tell application "TaskPaper"
					set choice to (choose from list myProjects default items defaultSelection ¬
						with prompt "Choose project" without multiple selections allowed)
				end tell
				if choice is false or length of choice = 0 then
					set projectName to item 1 of choice
				end if
			end if
		end if
		set taskText to taskText of projTaskDict
		set projectName to inboxName
		set taskText to inputString
	end if
	set projectLabel to projectName & ":"
	-- insert the task into the appropriate Project
	if fullText contains projectLabel then
		set newText to my replaceText(fullText, projectLabel, projectLabel & return & "- " & taskText)
	else -- if the Project doesn't exist yet, add it to the beginning of the file
		set newText to projectLabel & return & "- " & taskText & return & fullText
	end if
	tell application "TaskPaper"
		set the text contents of theDoc to newText
	end tell
	-- hide Taskpaper again if it was hidden before
	if was_visible is false then
		tell application "Finder"
			set visible of process "TaskPaper" to false
		end tell
	end if
	tell application lastApp to activate
	-- try to send a Growl notification
	if growlIsRunning then
			growlNotify(taskText, projectName)
		end try
	end if
	-- if we get an unhandled error along the way, show dialog box with message
on error errMsg
	tell application "Finder"
		display alert ("Unexpected error: " & errMsg)
	end tell
end try

end processLauncherInput

on splitInput(inputText)
set theOffset to offset of “:” in inputText
if theOffset is 1 then
set projectName to “”
set projectName to text 1 thru (theOffset - 1) of inputText
end if
set taskText to text (theOffset + 1) thru -1 of inputText
repeat while taskText starts with " "
set taskText to text 2 thru -1 of taskText
end repeat
return {projectName:projectName, taskText:taskText}
end splitInput

on getProjects(docText)
set projectNames to {}
repeat with p in paragraphs of docText
if isProject(p) then
set projectNames to projectNames & text 1 thru ((offset of “:” in p) - 1) of p
end if
end repeat
return projectNames
end getProjects

on isProject(textLine)
ignoring white space
return textLine ends with “:” and textLine does not start with “-”
end ignoring
end isProject

on growlNotify(task, project)
tell application “GrowlHelperApp”
register as application “TaskPaper QS script” all notifications {“Task added”} ¬
default notifications {“Task added”} icon of application “”
notify with name ¬
“Task added” title “New task added” description task & return & ¬
“added to "” & project & “" project” application name “TaskPaper QS script”
end tell
end growlNotify

on replaceText(theText, SearchString, ReplaceString)
set OldDelims to AppleScript’s AppleScript’s text item delimiters
set AppleScript’s AppleScript’s text item delimiters to SearchString
set newText to text items of theText
set AppleScript’s AppleScript’s text item delimiters to ReplaceString
set newText to newText as text
set AppleScript’s AppleScript’s text item delimiters to OldDelims
return newText
end replaceText


Note: I am not the author of this script, signed by Wysewoman on HogBay site