Appending a file extension


I know nothig at all about scripting.

I want to use an Adobe illustrator script to export to flash swf, illustrator has one built in but it doesnt append the .swf file extension. How can I do this. Here is the script
– Get a location for the exported files
set targetFolder to choose folder with prompt “Location for exported files”
set targetPath to targetFolder as string

tell application “Adobe Illustrator 10”
– Turn off user interaction so dialogs don’t cause the script to get stuck
set user interaction level to never interact

--	Count the open documents
set documentCount to count documents

--	Export each open document
repeat with i from 1 to documentCount
	--	Get the document's name to use for creating a file path to save to
	set documentName to name of document 1
	--	Perform the save
	export document 1 to file (targetPath & documentName) as Flash ¬
		with options {class:Flash export options, replacing:yes, JPEG quality:10, curve quality:10}
end repeat

end tell


I imagine you need to change the ‘export’ line to:

export document 1 to file (targetPath & documentName & ".swf") as Flash ¬
      with options {class:Flash export options, replacing:yes, JPEG quality:10, curve quality:10}