That is fantastic! Looks / works really well.
-- Created by Hubert
set imageFile to POSIX path of ((choose file) as string)
set gpsCoords to do shell script "usr/local/bin/exiftool " & "'" & imageFile & "'" & " -gpslatitude# -gpslongitude#"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set aLatitude to (text item 2 of paragraph 1 of gpsCoords as number)
set aLongitude to (text item 2 of paragraph 2 of gpsCoords as number)
At the top of the script allows the Latitude / Longitude to be extracted from the selected image and fed through to the rest of the script.
So the only issue to resolve now is finding a working piece of script that can correctly identify the path to the desktop image.
To resolve that I’ve adapted a script that found the correct patch of the desktop picture and opening it in Finder. This script was:
-- Usage: osascript find_wall_pic n
-- n = 1 or 2 (monitor ID)
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
-- ref:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
on run argv
if (count of argv) < 1 then
set screenId to 1
set screenId to item 1 of argv as integer
end if
if screenId ≤ 1 then
set screenId to 1 -- 1st monior index
set screenId to 18 -- 2nd monitor index
end if
-- set a to (do shell script "/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\\ Support/Dock/desktoppicture.db \"SELECT data.value FROM preferences INNER JOIN data on preferences.key=16 and preferences.data_id=data.ROWID where preferences.picture_id =" & screenId & "\"") as string
-- set posixaliaspath to "/Users/kangfucius/Library/Caches/ top/69677504/DSKPhotosRootSource/" & a
set posixaliaspath to (do shell script "/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\\ Support/Dock/desktoppicture.db \"select d1.value || '/' || d2.value from preferences pf1 join data d1 on pf1.data_id=d1.rowid join preferences pf2 on pf1.picture_id=pf2.picture_id join data d2 on pf2.data_id=d2.rowid where pf1.key=10 and pf2.key=16 and pf1.picture_id=" & screenId & "\"") as string
set homepath to (do shell script "echo $HOME")
-- replace "~" in the path to actual $HOME dir
set posixaliaspath to replace_chars(posixaliaspath, "~", homepath)
set aliaspath to (POSIX file posixaliaspath) as string
set posixpath to POSIX path of aliaspath
set imgfile to POSIX file posixpath
-- tell application "Finder" to reveal imgfile
-- tell application "Finder"
tell application "Finder"
reveal imgfile
end tell
end run
The original script worked perfectly but if I modify and add that at the start of the script as per:
use AppleScript version "2.5"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use framework "MapKit"
use framework "CoreLocation"
-- Usage: osascript find_wall_pic n
-- n = 1 or 2 (monitor ID)
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
-- ref:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
set screenId to 1
-- set a to (do shell script "/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\\ Support/Dock/desktoppicture.db \"SELECT data.value FROM preferences INNER JOIN data on preferences.key=16 and preferences.data_id=data.ROWID where preferences.picture_id =" & screenId & "\"") as string
-- set posixaliaspath1 to "/Users/kangfucius/Library/Caches/ top/69677504/DSKPhotosRootSource/" & a
set posixaliaspath to (do shell script "/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\\ Support/Dock/desktoppicture.db \"select d1.value || '/' || d2.value from preferences pf1 join data d1 on pf1.data_id=d1.rowid join preferences pf2 on pf1.picture_id=pf2.picture_id join data d2 on pf2.data_id=d2.rowid where pf1.key=10 and pf2.key=16 and pf1.picture_id=" & screenId & "\"") as string
set homepath to (do shell script "echo $HOME")
-- replace "~" in the path to actual $HOME dir
set posixaliaspath to replace_chars(posixaliaspath, "~", homepath)
set aliaspath to (POSIX file posixaliaspath) as string
set posixpath to POSIX path of aliaspath
set imgfile to POSIX file posixpath
-- tell application "Finder" to reveal imgfile1
-- tell application "Finder"
-- tell application "Finder"
-- activate
-- reveal imgfile
-- end tell
-- end run
set imageFile to imgfile
-- Created by Hubert =========================================
-- set imageFile to POSIX path of ((choose file) as string)
set gpsCoords to do shell script "usr/local/bin/exiftool " & "'" & imageFile & "'" & " -gpslatitude# -gpslongitude#"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set aLatitude to (text item 2 of paragraph 1 of gpsCoords as number)
set aLongitude to (text item 2 of paragraph 2 of gpsCoords as number)
property NSAlert : a reference to current application's NSAlert
property NSString : a reference to current application's NSString
property NSScreen : a reference to current application's NSScreen
property MKMapView : a reference to current application's MKMapView
property MKMapTypeHybrid : a reference to current application's MKMapTypeHybrid
property MKPointAnnotation : a reference to current application's MKPointAnnotation
property MKMapTypeSatellite : a reference to current application's MKMapTypeSatellite
property MKMapTypeStandard : a reference to current application's MKMapTypeStandard
property NSSegmentedControl : a reference to current application's NSSegmentedControl
property NSRunningApplication : a reference to current application's NSRunningApplication
property NSSegmentStyleTexturedRounded : a reference to current application's NSSegmentStyleTexturedRounded
property selSeg : 0
property aMapViewList : {}
-- set aLatitude to "52.3740"
-- set aLongitude to "4.8897"
set paramObj to {viewWidth:1000, viewHeight:600, viewSubTitle:"Geolocation Showing Example", viewLat:aLatitude, viewLong:aLongitude}
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"dispMapViewinDifferentScales:" withObject:(paramObj) waitUntilDone:true
on dispMapViewinDifferentScales:paramObj
set aWidth to (viewWidth of paramObj) as real
set aHeight to (viewHeight of paramObj) as real
set aLat to (viewLat of paramObj) as real
set aLong to (viewLong of paramObj) as real
--set aTitle to (viewTitle of paramObj) as string
set aSubTitle to (viewSubTitle of paramObj) as string
set selSeg to 0
set aView to current application's NSView's alloc()'s initWithFrame:(current application's NSMakeRect(0, 0, aWidth, aHeight))
set wList to {{3, "World Level Map"}, {5, "Country Level Map"}, {10, "City Level Map"}, {17, "Town Level Map"}}
set xPos to 0
repeat with i in wList
copy i to {aLevelNum, aBoxTitle}
set aBox to (current application's NSBox's alloc()'s initWithFrame:(current application's NSMakeRect(xPos, 40, aWidth * 0.25, aHeight - 70)))
(aBox's setTitle:aBoxTitle)
set aMapView to makeMKMapView(aWidth * 0.25, aHeight - 70, aLevelNum, aLat, aLong) of me
(aBox's addSubview:aMapView)
(aView's addSubview:aBox)
set the end of aMapViewList to aMapView
set xPos to xPos + (aWidth * 0.25)
end repeat
--Segmented Controlをつくる
set aSeg to makeSegmentedControl({"Map", "Satellite", "Satellite + Map"}, aWidth, aHeight) of me
aView's addSubview:aSeg
-- set up alert
set theAlert to NSAlert's alloc()'s init()
tell theAlert
its setMessageText:""
its setInformativeText:aSubTitle
its addButtonWithTitle:"OK"
its addButtonWithTitle:"Cancel"
its setAccessoryView:aView
end tell
-- show alert in modal loop
NSRunningApplication's currentApplication()'s activateWithOptions:0
my performSelectorOnMainThread:"doModal:" withObject:(theAlert) waitUntilDone:true
if (my returnCode as number) = 1001 then error number -128
end dispMapViewinDifferentScales:
on doModal:aParam
set (my returnCode) to aParam's runModal()
end doModal:
on makeMKMapView(aWidth, aHeight, aZoomLevel, aLat, aLong)
set aMapView to MKMapView's alloc()'s initWithFrame:(current application's NSMakeRect(0, 0, aWidth, aHeight))
aMapView's setMapType:(current application's MKMapTypeStandard)
aMapView's setZoomEnabled:true
aMapView's setScrollEnabled:true
aMapView's setPitchEnabled:false
aMapView's setRotateEnabled:false
aMapView's setShowsCompass:true
aMapView's setShowsZoomControls:true
aMapView's setShowsScale:true
aMapView's setShowsUserLocation:true
set aLocation to current application's CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(aLat, aLong)
aMapView's setCenterCoordinate:aLocation zoomLevel:aZoomLevel animated:false
aMapView's setDelegate:me
set anAnnotation to current application's MKPointAnnotation's alloc()'s init()
anAnnotation's setCoordinate:aLocation
anAnnotation's setTitle:""
aMapView's addAnnotation:anAnnotation
return aMapView
end makeMKMapView
--Make Segmented Control
on makeSegmentedControl(titleList, aWidth, aHeight)
set aLen to length of titleList
set aSeg to NSSegmentedControl's alloc()'s init()
aSeg's setSegmentCount:aLen
set aCount to 0
repeat with i in titleList
set j to contents of i
(aSeg's setLabel:j forSegment:aCount)
set aCount to aCount + 1
end repeat
aSeg's setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:false
aSeg's setSegmentStyle:(NSSegmentStyleTexturedRounded)
aSeg's setFrame:(current application's NSMakeRect(10, 5, 260, 30))
aSeg's setTrackingMode:0
aSeg's setTarget:me
aSeg's setAction:"clickedSeg:"
aSeg's setSelectedSegment:0
return aSeg
end makeSegmentedControl
--Segmented Control's clicked event handler
on clickedSeg:aSender
set aSel to aSender's selectedSegment()
set selSeg to (aSel + 1)
set mapList to {MKMapTypeStandard, MKMapTypeSatellite, MKMapTypeHybrid}
set curMap to contents of item selSeg of mapList
repeat with i in aMapViewList
set aView to contents of i
(aView's setMapType:(curMap))
end repeat
end clickedSeg:
I get error:
So very near to having it working now!