Apple Script File Maker Pro 8

Hello everybody,

I need to amend an apple script that I found on an FM Pro forum, but I generally need to know how to do this specific task for other scripts that I have.

All I require is to add an extra part to this script ::

Copyright © 2005 Jonathan Stark
– grab the data from Filemaker
tell application “FileMaker Pro”
tell current record
set theCalendarTitle to cellValue of cell “Client_name”
set theSummary to cellValue of cell “Job_Number”
set theDescription to cellValue of cell “Job_Description”
set theStartDate to cellValue of cell “Date_Images_Received”
set theStartTime to cellValue of cell “Time_Images_Received”
set theEndDate to cellValue of cell “Date_Images_Delivered”
set theEndTime to cellValue of cell “Time_Images_Delivered”
end tell
end tell

At the "set theDescription to cellValue of cell “Job_Description” I also need to get apple script to include a second result to the description. I need the Description to have the “Amount_of_Images” which is found in a different cellValue in my FM database.
So how do I ask Applescript to combine two cellValue’s from two cell’s??? ie. jobDescription + Number_Of_Images


Model: G5 Mac
AppleScript: 1.10.7
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

set numOfImages to cellValue of cell "Number_Of_Images"
set mergedData to theDescription & numOfImages

set theDescription to cellValue of cell "Job_Description" & cellValue of cell "Number_Of_Images"

--or if you want a separator between
set mergedData to theDescription & space & numOfImages
set mergedData to theDescription & "-" & numOfImages

More info at


thank you,
I actually managed to do it, but it was the very long way where I add lots of &'s
So your neater versions are now implemented.

Thank you so much.

Not sure if you want to help with this, if you do I will owe you big time.
When I send the info to iCal how do you get the ‘alarm’ to send an email 30 days later as a reminder.


Hi Neville,

I’ve never scripted iCal. Sorry.
