Apple Script for Photos in Sonoma to get the name of selected album for an dialog box

I’m looking for help with an Applescript problem for Photos. I’m very new to Applescript and can’t figure out how to solve it.

I would like to create a script that gets the name of the album, which has been selected in Photos (e.g. Holiday 2023).

Next, a dialog window should open up showing this name “Holidax 2023” predefined in the dialog or input field. The name can now be modified manually (to e.g. Holiday 2023.01).

I want to use this Input data for another script.

I would be very grateful for any suggestion or help.

Borima. I looked at the Photos app dictionary and could not find a simple way to do what you want. FWIW, I’ve included below a handler that worked in limited testing on my Sonoma computer. The handler could be slow if the number of photos in the app is large. BTW, it seems like you should be able to get the album directly from a media item, but I couldn’t get that to work.

	set theAlbum to getAlbum()
on error
	display dialog "An album containing photos was not found" buttons {"OK"} cancel button 1 default button 1
end try

display dialog "The selected album is:" default answer theAlbum

on getAlbum()
	tell application "Photos"
		set thePhotos to selection
		set thePhotoID to id of (item 1 of thePhotos)
		set theAlbums to every album
		repeat with anAlbum in theAlbums
			set albumPhotos to every media item in anAlbum
			repeat with aPhoto in albumPhotos
				if (id of aPhoto) is thePhotoID then return (name of anAlbum)
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
end getAlbum
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Many Thanks, this works perfectly for me!

One more question. How to get the number of medias (fotos, videos) within this routine above for this album but get as a result the number of digits? For excampel 10 fotos would lead to 2. 900 Fotos to 3 and so on.

Thanks for your help. I didn’t mentioned that in my library I have album wihtin folders wich in this case is resulting to wrong results.

Another way to get the name of the selected album is to force an error.
The error message which looks like

Photos got an error: Can’t get album “” of media item id “A925E14E-8E0D-4AA2-93AF-064234280755/L0/001” of album id “20C29387-0B69-4D0B-91EF-8ED4ADB4B359/L0/040”.

contains the id of the parent album, it can be simply extracted with text item delimiters

tell application "Photos"
	set thePhotos to selection
		set thePhotoID to album id of (item 1 of thePhotos)
	on error e
		if e contains "get item 1" then
			display dialog "No album selected"
			set {saveTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {quote}}
			set albumID to text item -2 of e
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveTID
			set albumName to name of album id albumID
			display dialog albumName
		end if
	end try
end tell

That’s excellent Stefan. I had attempted to get the album id by coercing the media item id to a string but without success. Accomplishing that by forcing an error would never have occurred to me. BTW, your script’s timing result was 4 milliseconds (without the dialog).

Unfortunately this script doesn’t work. A Scrip error appears “Album xy can’t be read”.

The album stays unchanged. But all titles of medias (fotos, videos) shall be automatically renamed:

Album name : “20230120 London”.
When less then 100 fotos renameing of foto titles:
“20230120 London, 01” “20230120 London, 02” … “20230120 London, 99”
When less then 1’000 fotos renaming of foto titles:
“…, 001” “…, 002” → “…, 999”
Albums are located in folders. I use iCloud mediathek.

I have already got a script (see below) wich adds an incrementing number with leading “0”. But you must enter the digit number manually. The question for me is, how to replace this dialog by an automatc procedure (automatically getting max number of fotos of the album and from there getting the digit number as a result).

global albumName

-- get the name of the album
its getAlbumNameOfSelection()

on getAlbumNameOfSelection()
	tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Photos"
		set frontmost to true
		tell group 2 of splitter group 1 of window 1
			set albumName to first item of ((name of static texts) as list)
		end tell
	end tell
end getAlbumNameOfSelection

-- get numer digit number
set n_digits to 2
set answer to display dialog "Digit numbe:" buttons {"o.k"} default answer n_digits
set n_digits_text to the (text returned of answer)
set n_digits to n_digits_text as number

tell application "Photos"
	set counter to 1
	set imageSel to (get selection) -- get selected images
	if imageSel is {} then
		error "Please select some images."
		repeat with next_image in imageSel
			-- the counter with padded numbers
			set ntext to the counter as text
			repeat while (the length of ntext < n_digits) -- add leading zeros
				set ntext to "0" & ntext
			end repeat
			-- set new_title
			set new_title to albumName & ", " & ntext as text
			tell next_image
				set the name to new_title as text
				set counter to counter + 1
			end tell
		end repeat
		-- return new_title
	end if
end tell
return new_title

Yes almost correct
The digit number could start also from 1 and end maybe at 5 (1 when tehre are <10 photos, and 5 when there are >= 10’000 photos).

My problem is, I am an absolut beginner with scripting and would just like to know how to replace that part of my existing script (see below) by a procedure, which which provides the variable “n-digits” with the digit number (automatically detected).

The rest of my script works fine.

-- get numer digit number
set n_digits to 2
set answer to display dialog "Digit numbe:" buttons {"o.k"} default answer n_digits
set n_digits_text to the (text returned of answer)
set n_digits to n_digits_text as number

Borima. The following script demonstrates how this issue might be addressed. My photos are in an album in a folder on my local computer, so this may not work for you. I was unable to get your script to work reliably on my Sonoma computer.

tell application "Photos"
	set thePhotos to selection -- this section from Stefan
		set thePhotoID to album id of (item 1 of thePhotos)
	on error e
		if e contains "get item 1" then
			display dialog "Album not selected or no photos in selected album" buttons {"OK"} cancel button 1 default button 1
			set {saveTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, {quote}}
			set albumID to text item -2 of e
			set albumName to name of album id albumID
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveTID
		end if
	end try
	set thePhotos to every media item in album id albumID
	set photoCount to count thePhotos
	display dialog "Change the title of " & photoCount & " photos in the " & quote & albumName & quote & " album?"
	repeat with i from 1 to photoCount
		set anImage to item i of thePhotos
		if photoCount < 100 then
			set photoTitle to albumName & ", " & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & i)
			set photoTitle to albumName & ", " & text -3 thru -1 of ("00" & i)
		end if
		set name of anImage to photoTitle -- set title of photo
	end repeat
end tell
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Perfect, this works fine at my Photos on iCloud! I might expand to 5 digits.

I’m wondering why my script is not working on your computer… Is it because of settings in the “operating assistance” in the system preferences? Or because of local database/ and icoud…?

I’ve included the error dialog below. I just realized that I got this message because I had an info pane showing.

As the number of leading zeros can vary this is an universal handler to add leading zeros depending on the maximum number of items

The handler pad takes a numeric value and a string containing the leading zeros

on pad(theValue, leadingZeros)
	return text -(count leadingZeros) thru -1 of (leadingZeros & (theValue as text))
end pad

The number of leading zeros is created once from the number of items

set numberOfItems to 12345

set leadingZeros to ""
repeat while numberOfItems > 1
	set leadingZeros to leadingZeros & "0"
	set numberOfItems to numberOfItems / 10
end repeat

Then call the handler

set indexString to pad(45, leadingZeros) -- "00045"

Thanks everybody for your inputs which was great help for me. I could now stich my script together for my needs.

One more question not directly linked to this topic. Is the apple script editor the only one editor which can be used? I couldn’t figure out how to run the script “step by step” of each command line to check the variable values and changes.
Also I couldn’t figure out how to check what the handlers are doing.
I know it is possible to check the events in the apple script editor but from my point of view not every thing is shown as mentioned above.
Also how can you measure (as peavine wrote) the scripting timing results in milliseconds??

This is THE AppleScript editor:

I use Script Geek to time scripts. It is a free utility that can be downloaded from: