Applescript advice

I just wrote my first “this thing could be usefull to someone else besides me” script.
I would like some advice from all the experts on this forum beofre i send it out to all of my friends. I tried to think of all the possible things that could go wrong and i added code to prevent them. Last think I want is to forget to do something or do something wrong and be tar and fethered by my friends.
The script replaces the BootPanel that you see on startup.

on split(theText, delim)
	-- Spliting sub written by brian
	set theStuff to {}
	repeat while theText is not ""
		set loc to the offset of delim in theText
		if loc is 0 then
			set theStuff to theStuff & {(items 1 through (length of theText) of theText as string)}
			set theText to ""
			set theStuff to theStuff & {(items 1 through (loc - 1) of theText as string)}
			set theText to (items (loc + 1) through (length of theText) of theText as string)
		end if
	end repeat
end split
-- The rest of the program written by Alex Camilo. With help from [url=][/url]
on open the_files
	if the (count of the_files) is equal to 1 then
		set File_String to item 1 of the_files as string
		set File_Path to item 1 of the_files
		set File_Name to the last item of split(File_String, ":")
		if File_Name is equal to "BootPanel.pdf" then
				do shell script "cp " & (quoted form of POSIX path of File_Path) & " /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemStarter/QuartzDisplay.bundle/Resources/" with administrator privileges
			on error theerror
				display dialog theerror
			end try
			display dialog "Your file is not named "BootPanel.pdf""
		end if
		display dialog "Please drag ONLY ONE file onto this icon."
	end if
end open
on run
	tell application "Finder"
		set theContainer to container of (path to me) as string
	end tell
	display dialog "Drag the new BootPanel.pdf file onto this program to update your startup screen. You can create your own BootPanel.pdf by saving an image of your choice" buttons {"Restore the default BootPanel", "Quit"} default button 2
	if the button returned of the result is equal to "Restore the default BootPanel" then
			do shell script "cp " & (quoted form of POSIX path of (theContainer as string)) & "" & " /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemStarter/QuartzDisplay.bundle/Resources/" with administrator privileges
		on error theerror
			display dialog theerror
		end try
	end if
end run

the file “BootPanel.pdf” is copied into the app’s resource folder in a folder that i created called images.

Correction: “restore” image’s location is