I have a unix script that incorporates Applescript to search the address book app and display aphone number in the terminal:
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo 1>&2 "usage: abook YOUR_SEARCH"
exit 127
scriptcode="tell application "Address Book"
set thePerson to person "$1"
set theProps to the properties of thePerson
set the firstName to the first name of theProps
set the lastName to last name of theProps
set the phnList to the value of every phone of thePerson
set testList to firstName & " " & lastName & " " & phnList
return testList
end tell"
osascript -e "$scriptcode"
exit 0
What I need to do now is add an applescript that allows a user to add a new person to the address book db. Any ideas how to do this?
This is one I use to add a sender from MailSmith as a new entry in the X address book:
tell application "Address Book"
make new person at end of group "my_group" with properties {first name:"Joe", last name:"Shmoe", organization:"My, Inc."}
make new email at end of person ("Joe" & " " & "Shmoe") of group "My, Inc." with properties {value:"me@meinc.com", label:"work"}
end tell
findCode="tell application "Address Book"
set thePerson to person "$2"
set theProps to the properties of thePerson
set the firstName to the first name of theProps
set the lastName to last name of theProps
set the phnList to the value of every phone of thePerson
set testList to firstName & " " & lastName & " " & phnList
return testList
end tell"
addCode="tell application "Address Book"
set thePerson to make new person at end with properties {first name:"$2", last name:"$3"}
make new phone at end of phones of thePerson with properties {label:"$4", value:"$5"}
end tell"
delCode="tell application "Address Book"
delete person "$2"
end tell"
case $1 in
h | help | -h | -help)
echo "Useage:"
echo " To find a Phone Number: phone -f "FirstName LastName""
echo " To add a Name and Phone Number to the phonebook do: phone add "FirstName" "LastName" "label" "123-456-789""
echo " To remove a user from the phone book do: phone delete "FirstName LastName""
echo " NOTE: Be sure to use quotes around entries"
f | find | -f | -find)
osascript -e "$findCode"
#if ["$?" -ne "0"]; then
# echo "This name was not found in the Address Book database"
# echo "To add a Name and Phone Number to the phonebook do: phone add "FirstName" "LastName" "label" "123-456-789""
a | add | -a | -add)
osascript -e "$addCode"
d | delete | -d | -delete)
osascript -e "$delCode"
I know this is not apple script related, but whatever way I try to cut and paste the shell script I get a whole lot of control codes as well. I am copying out of Safari.
Since others reading this get it to work, I thought I would ask how they do it. With yesterdays shorter script I just used vi to remove all the codes, but I got bored of that before getting anywhere near the end with the new longer script.
It looks like the default view size of the forum has pushed code from one line to the next, Specifically:
echo " To add a Name and Phone Number to the phonebook do: phone add "FirstName" "LastName" "label" "123-456-789""
echo "To add a Name and Phone Number to the phonebook do: phone add "FirstName" "LastName" "label" "123-456-789""
So here is the code again in a friendlier cut and paste format:
findCode="tell application "Address Book"
set thePerson to person "$2"
set theProps to the properties of thePerson
set the firstName to the first name of theProps
set the lastName to last name of theProps
set the phnList to the value of every phone of thePerson
set testList to firstName & " " & lastName & " " & phnList
return testList
end tell"
addCode="tell application "Address Book"
set thePerson to make new person at end with properties {first name:"$2", last name:"$3"}
make new phone at end of phones of thePerson with properties {label:"$4", value:"$5"}
end tell"
delCode="tell application "Address Book"
delete person "$2"
end tell"
case $1 in
h | help | -h | -help)
echo "Useage:"
echo "To find a Phone Number: phone -f "FirstName LastName""
echo "To add a Name and Phone Number to the phonebook do: phone
add "FirstName" "LastName" "label" "123-456-789""
echo "To remove a user from the phone book do: phone delete "FirstName
echo "NOTE: Be sure to use quotes around entries"
f | find | -f | -find)
osascript -e "$findCode"
#if ["$?" -ne "0"]; then
# echo "This name was not found in the Address Book database"
# echo "To add a Name and Phone Number to the phonebook do: phone
add "FirstName" "LastName" "label" "123-456-789""
a | add | -a | -add)
osascript -e "$addCode"
d | delete | -d | -delete)
osascript -e "$delCode"
If this still does not work, give me a holler and I’ll email it to you.