Hey all,
I’m trying to build an applescript (applescript studio) that will allow me to streamline the creation of business proposals. The first step is to address the clients.
I have a window that allows me to either select from an existing client stored in Microsoft Outlook or to enter the information into text fields for a new client. If I enter the new client’s info and click the appropriate button I get Event Handler failures.
In addition I while I am able to get a list of all of my outlook contacts when I select one applescript is unable to pull the contact’s relevant data and insert it into the text fields.
I’m pulling my hair out… so hopefully a fresh set of eyes will help…
-on clicked theObject
if title of theObject = "Get Client" then
--get all contacts and populate a list
set clientList to {}
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set theContacts to contacts
repeat with theContact in theContacts
set theName to display name of theContact
copy theName to the end of clientList
end repeat
end tell
choose from list clientList with prompt "Choose Client"
set listchoice to result as text
--select the client and have the info populate text fields in the main window this fails
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
--set contacts to theName
--open contact {display name:theName}
--set theName to display name of theName
set theContacts to contacts
--get contact theName
set theStreet to home street address of listchoice
set theCity to home city of listchoice
set theState to home state of listchoice
set theZip to home zip of listchoice
set theEmail to email addresses of listchoice
end tell
tell window "newProposal"
set contents of text field "clientName" to listchoice
set contents of text field "clientName" to theName
set contents of text field "streetAddress" to theAddress
set contents of text field "clientCity" to theCity
set contents of text field "clientState" to theState
set contents of text field "clientZip" to theZip
set contents of text field "clientEmail" to theEmail
end tell
-- create new client from user-entered values into text fields. Event handler fail
else if title of theObject = "New Client" then
set displayName to the contents of text field "clientName" of window 1
set theAddress to the contents of text field "streetAddress" of window 1
set city to the contents of text field "clientCity" of window 1
set theState to the contents of text field "clientState" of window 1
set zip to the contents of text field "clientZip" of window 1
set thePhone to the contents of text field "clientPhone" of window 1
--set theEmail to the contents of text field "clientEmail" of window 1
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
make new contact with properties {display name:displayName, home street address:theAddress, home city:city, home state:theState, home zip:zip, phone:thePhone}
end tell
else if title of theObject = "next" then
--display dialog "here we open word and create the proposal..."
--tell application "Microsoft Word"
-- make new document with properties {attached template:"path:to:template:here.dot"}
--end tell
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
end tell
end if
end clicked