AppleScript apps and Resume

What i need to do in Lion/Mountain Lion to make my AppleScript apps to fully quit when i shutdown computer and fully launch when computer is booted?

I don’t want to do clean start always. I have scripts which needs to be quit/launched the old way. Thanks

Write a script that shuts everything down. :slight_smile:


You mean:

tell application "System Events" to shut down

So there is not any way to have both old fashioned quit and run for few of my AppleScripts and rest of the Mac does Resume?

I meant:

[code]tell AppA to shut Down
Tell AppB to shut down
tell AppC .

delay 1
check if the apps are not running,
if they aren’t the exit repeat
end repeat

tell Application id “sevs” to shut down # System events[/code]
Something ilke this to make sure that your stuff is shut down properly, before you quit.
The System Events shut down, doesn’t wait for anything, that long.