Hi all,
I’m just learning Java and I’m wondering if there’s a way to make custom classes in AS like the ones in Java. For example, in Java I could make an object that had its own properties and a handful of methods I could use on it that I could define. The thing is, I’d much rather use Applescript because I know so much more about how it works. So, is it possible, or should I just attempt writing everything in Java?
Why not C/Objective-C? I mean, if you’re already using Java, Obj-C is a snap.
Here is an admittedly simple example, which offers some parallels to what you might want. I’m sure you can do much more, but I’m not really experienced in these waters.
on createSimpleNumber(initValue)
script SimpleNumber
property value : null
on getValue()
return value
end getValue
on setValue(n)
set value to n
end setValue
on increment()
set value to value + 1
end increment
on copyMultipliedBy(n)
copy me to aCopy
tell aCopy
setValue(getValue() * n)
end tell
return aCopy
end copyMultipliedBy
on getStringValue()
return value as string
end getStringValue
end script
tell SimpleNumber
end tell
return SimpleNumber
end createSimpleNumber
set aNumber to createSimpleNumber(1.5)
tell aNumber
set anotherNumber to copyMultipliedBy(2)
end tell
return {aNumber's getStringValue(), getStringValue() of anotherNumber}
--> {"2.5", "5.0"}
Thanks for the example, I can modify it to do exactly what I want. Thanks guys.