Applescript Help - Open app from resources

Hey guys, I am using applescript and I am creating a jailbreak utility launcher. It is incomplete, but it fails to open the apps in my resources folder. (Yes, I have checked the paths.) Anyways, I have a bundle download below. Any help appreciated…

Code: main.scptd

set testAppPath to false

set CurrentAppPath to (path to me as text)

--Set some paths
set redsn0w0915b3 to (CurrentAppPath & "")
set p0sixpath to (CurrentAppPath & "")
set ev6path to (CurrentAppPath & "")
set ev7path to (CurrentAppPath & "Contents:Resources:Jailbreaks:evasi0n7:evasi0n")
set abpath to (CurrentAppPath & "")
set pangupath to (CurrentAppPath & "")

if testAppPath is true then (display dialog "App Diagnostic: " & CurrentAppPath)

set credits_page to ""
set textCredPath to (CurrentAppPath & "Documentation:Credits.txt")

set main_setting to "nil"
set iOS_setting to "nil"
set tool_type to "nil"
set credit_type to "nil"

set absinthe_version to "nil"
set evasi0n_version to "nil"
set p0six_version to "nil"
set redsn0w_version to "nil"
set pangu_version to "nil"

set button_1 to the button returned of (display dialog "Welcome. This launcher was made byn shad0whack3r. Click below to jailbreak. For credits, select 'Credits'." with title "shad0whack3r Jailbreak Tool" buttons {"Credits", "Jailbreak"})

if button_1 is "Credits" then set credit_type to the button returned of (display dialog "How would you like to view the credits?" buttons {"Website", "Text"})
if credit_type is "Website" then open location credits_page
if credit_type is "Text" then open textCredPath

set main_setting to choose from list {"Select iOS", "Select a tool"}
if main_setting is {"Select iOS"} then set iOS_setting to choose from list {"iOS 5.1.1", "iOS 6.0-6.1.2", "iOS 6.1.3-6.1.6", "iOS 7.0-7.0.6", "iOS 7.1-7.1.2"} with prompt "Choose your iOS"
if main_setting is {"Select a tool"} then set tool_type to choose from list {"Absinthe", "evasi0n", "p0sixspwn", "redsn0w", "Pangu"}
if tool_type is {"Absinthe"} then set absinthe_version to choose from list {"Absinthe v1.2"}
if tool_type is {"evasi0n"} then set evasi0n_version to choose from list {"Evasi0n 6", "Evasi0n 7"}
if tool_type is {"p0sixspwn"} then set p0six_version to choose from list {"p0sixspwn v1.0.8"}
if tool_type is {"redsn0w"} then set redsn0w_version to choose from list {"redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3"}
if tool_type is {"Pangu"} then set pangu_version to choose from list {"Pangu 1.1"}

if iOS_setting is {"iOS 5.1.1"} then do shell script "open -a " & abpath
if iOS_setting is {"iOS 6.0-6.1.2"} then do shell script "open -a " & ev6path
if iOS_setting is {"iOS 6.1.3-6.1.6"} then do shell script "open -a " & p0sixpath
if iOS_setting is {"iOS 7.0-7.0.6"} then do shell script "open -a " & ev7path
if iOS_setting is {"iOS 7.1-7.1.2"} then do shell script "open -a " & pangupath

if pangu_version is {"Pangu 1.1"} then do shell script "open -a " & pangupath
if redsn0w_version is {"redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3"} then do shell script "open -a " & redsn0w0915b3
if p0six_version is {"p0sixspwn v1.0.8"} then do shell script "open -a " & p0sixpath
if evasi0n_version is {"Evasi0n 6"} then do shell script "open -a " & ev6path
if evasi0n_version is {"Evasi0n 7"} then do shell script "open -a " & ev7path
if absinthe_version is {"Absinthe v1.2"} then do shell script "open -a " & abpath

Bundle download:


Thank you, Nick.

Model: Hackintosh
AppleScript: Yosemite Beta
Browser: Safari 537.75.14 (Using old safari: new one is too glitchy)
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)

Hi. Welcome to MacScripter.

Your paths are in HFS format (with colons), but the shell scripts require POSIX paths (with slashes). Depending on what else you want to do with them in the script, you can either define them in POSIX form at the beginning .

set CurrentAppPath to POSIX path of (path to me)

--Set some paths
set redsn0w0915b3 to (CurrentAppPath & "Contents/Resources/redsn0w1/")
-- Similarly with the other paths.

. or keep what you’ve got and convert them for the shell scripts, eg.:

if redsn0w_version is {"redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3"} then do shell script "open -a " & (POSIX path of redsn0w0915b3)

The paths don’t appear to contain spaces or other awkward characters, but it’s a good idea to use their ‘quoted forms’ in the shell scripts.

For instance, if ‘redsn0w0915b3’ is an HFS path:

if redsn0w_version is {"redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3"} then do shell script "open -a " & (quoted form of POSIX path of redsn0w0915b3)

If it’s a POSIX path:

if redsn0w_version is {"redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 3"} then do shell script "open -a " & (quoted form of redsn0w0915b3)

Okay, thank you so much! I am trying it now. And I am glad to e in the macscripter community.

Model: Hackintosh
AppleScript: Yosemite Beta
Browser: Safari 537.75.14 (Using old safari: new one is too glitchy)
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)