Does anybody know of an AppleScript interface for mySQL? If not are there any people who would be interested in a AppleScript interface for mySQL? I am thinking of doing one.
Does anybody know of an AppleScript interface for mySQL? If not are there any people who would be interested in a AppleScript interface for mySQL? I am thinking of doing one.
In the past I’ve used an XML-RPC interface to get my scripts to talk to mySQL… and for a rather complicated iPhoto project I wrote a Cocoa Java app (or what ever they are called) with AppleScript calls and the mySQL JDBC drivers; this worked really well.
Other than that there is MacSQL which I gave up on when got the XML-RPC working… someone told me that you can buy MacSQL as a framework to use in your apps…
I don’t know if that’s any help - a ‘native’ AppleScript interface for mySQL would be very cool, are you talking about a OSAX or a frame work??
Thanks for your response.
I am thinking about AppleScript handler wrappers for the ‘do shell script’ command for the unix command line version of mySQL.
This way the same mySQL can be used for creating the database and providing the webservice, since unix boxes are regularly used as webservers. It would also still work if a Macintosh was the webserver.
Anything else would be competing with macSQL and I don’t see the point in that.
Try to combine it with perl DBI. It talks great and fast to mySQL and you can use it thru the do shell script.
For the first round, I think I’ll just do mySQL, the perl DBI stuff looks interesting. For future interest, does the perl DBI stuff require an update or addition to the perl that comes by default with Mac OS X.
Got any links to good examples?
I started with a book from Paul Dubois which covers Perl and the Web from NewRiders, it’s not with or over a mac but he takes you by the hand and guides you through the web and learns you to launch sql queries and to create a perl module which you can call from a perl script. With a little knowledge of AppleScript and the doshell script-call and knowing that you can pass parameters to a shell script and capture them with $ARGV[1] inside the perl script then you will be on the way :-). In the mean time Kevin Meaney has come up with another solution ‘mySQL4AppleScript’ that you can find on
Good luck
MySQLBridge was recently announced. Works quite well in my brief tests.