just a quickie. I am trying to find out, if it is possible to use bitwise operators in AppleScript ObjC. I have searched the internet and found out, that it is not possible (even on this forums, there are some threads), but is it possible to use
NSXMLDocument XMLDataWithOptions with more than one option? Something like
set theData to my (_contentsOfFile's XMLDataWithOptions:(current application's NSXMLNodePrettyPrint | current application's NSXMLNodeCompactEmptyElement))
Thank you,
Petr Sourek
in this case you could just add the two values
set theData to my (_contentsOfFile's XMLDataWithOptions:(current application's NSXMLNodePrettyPrint + current application's NSXMLNodeCompactEmptyElement))
or calculate the value “manually”
set theData to my (_contentsOfFile's XMLDataWithOptions:131076)
Great, works like a charm, thanks.
You can, but you need to include the coercions to integer, and AS seems to want lots of parentheses. Something like:
(current application's NSXMLNodePrettyPrint as integer) + (current application's NSXMLNodeCompactEmptyElement as integer)