AppleScript Opening Files Question...

I need to know if it is possible for AppleScript to open a Photoshop file in a folder? Now I know this sounds like an easy question and maybe it is, but I can not seem to get it to work. The catch is that the file will have a different name each and every time the script is run. There will only be one file in the folder at a time, so multiple files will not be a problem.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance
Kelly David

This one is easy but tricky!

tell application "Finder" to open first file of alias "path:to:your:folder:" using application file id "8BIM"

alias “path:to:your:folder:” is an alias path to the folder where your file is located.
And “8BIM” is the creator type, four-byte identifier of Photoshop.