AppleScript Programmer Needed

We are looking for freelance applescripter to help us automate some of our tasks, we have only OSX systems 10.36 and above

You’ll get better responses if you can give some information on what you need to automate. We all have different specialties and strengths.

You may consider posting this on MacDeveloper as well:

Hey Zmaster,

By far, if you’re looking to find great programmers to outsource your project, go straight to MacDeveloper signup and post your project there.


More information would be helpfull, there are a lot of tasks and programs that could be automatied. I looked at your post in the Developers section and you give very little information there either. Is this one task that needs automatied or an ongoing list of things. From you list of programs it looks like it has something to do with graphics applications. There are a number of people that frequent these boards with experience with these programs, myself included. However, to give you a quote on a specific project more information would be needed so that the developer could estimate the amount of time that it would take to create and trouble shoot the scritps and workflow that you are trying to automate.