I have created an Applescript Studio application (OS version 10.4.11) and it won’t launch on other stations with the same OS and hardware.
To troubleshoot, I made a new very simple AS Studio application (one window, one text, one button) and even this wouldn’t launch on other peoples computers with the exact hardware and OS version. The application bounced in the dock once and that’s all, no window, nothing. Does anyone have an idea what could cause this?
Any information would be greatly appreciated,
¢ any files or Scripting Additions or frameworks, which are present on your machine, but not have been copied explicitly into the application bundle?
¢ any applications targeted (like Growl) which are not present on other machines?
¢ any hard-coded paths?
¢ any other sloppy code?
To my knowledge I have not used any Scripting Additions or frameworks.
I haven’t referenced applications which are not present on other machines.
I have no hardcoded paths.
To troubleshoot the situation I created a new AS based application project in Xcode and immediately compiled it into an app. When it launches on my station it brings up the default window “window”… however, when I run this on another machine (tested on several) it won’t even launch.
Any other thoughts?
I found a thread that mentioned permissions… I not sure where to look for that.
I know this has been posted before, and sorry if you already checked it- Did you set the build configuration to “Deployment”? If you have it set to “debug” then there are links to things on the specific computer that may not let it run on others. I ran into it before. Specifically a thing called “zerolink” will not let apps run on other machines.
In XCode go to menu Project > Set Active Build Configuration > Deployment. Clean all, build, and copy to other machine to test.