applescript syntax - using " in a text

Hello all,

Anyone have a code snippet that does the following:


  1. How do you use " in text I want to concatenate?

set v1 to “how are”
set v2 to ““you”” <----- this causes an error thought string would work but apparently applescript syntax to clear to me in this area
set v3 to “doing?”

set resultouput to v1 & v2 & v3

How are “you” doing?

any help would be appreciated,

You have to escape those characters.

set v2 to "\"you\""



thanks for the direction

but the output I get is:

"how are\"you\"doing?"


"how are "you" doing?"

Any help would be appreciated.

Would you mind posting your code?



I don’t mind at all, just figured the above example would be easier understood.

I’m actually trying to use this code to create a formula that I’ll put in to numerous excel cells

set d to "09.19.05"
set c to "8"
set singQ to "\"" as string
set columnFormula to "=IF(E" & c & "<>\"\",\"\"" & "'" & d & "'!B4" as string

What do you see when you run this code?

Also, you were missing a comma so I added it.

set d to "09.19.05"
set c to "8"
set singQ to "\"" as string
set columnFormula to "=IF(E" & c & "≠\"\",\"\"," & "'" & d & "'!B4" as string

display dialog columnFormula

Oh so I think there was a bit of confusion on my part i think the applescript editor displays the \ but the actual output may be without the \ as it shows in the display as


i’ll confirm with my excel script and be sure to reply back :slight_smile: thanks

thanks that did it.

Your welcome!