AppleScript to delete files on FTP server

Hey, everyone-
I am very inexperienced with AppleScript, but I have an idea for a simple one that would be handy.

Would it be possible to make an AppleScript that, upon launch, presented a dialogue box, and for instance, if i enter “,” it will simply delete the file on a certain FTP directory, and quit?

How would you go about writing this?


Please, be careful using this:

do shell script "curl -Q 'DELE /html/docs/'"

This should delete the file at

Thanks, that’s great! So this is what I have:

set filevar to ""

tell application "Finder"
	display dialog "Enter file name:" default answer filevar buttons ("Delete File") default button 1
	set filevar to text returned of the result
end tell

do shell script "curl -Q 'DELE /stuff/$filevar"

The shell script works when I enter a filename there, but it has to be a variable so it can use what was entered in the dialog box, and what I’m doing doesn’t work. How do I use the variable in this case?

do shell script "curl -Q " & quoted form of ("DELE /stuff/" & filevar) & ""

Great, thanks so much!

I added QuickSilver integration too, so this is just perfect.

I’m working on a script similar to this but i would actually like to delete a whole folder on an ftp server. I played with curl RMD but discovered that the directory must be empty first before it can be deleted.

I can get a list of the intended folder’s contents via :

set delDir to do shell script "curl -l " & ftpInfo & clientPath & folderName & "/"
set delDir to delDir's paragraphs --changes the unix curl -l list into a list format suitable for applescript

but how to go through a list like that and delete every item, and then delete the folder “folderName” is a bit beyond me.

Anyone know how to do it, or an alternate way entirely? (hopefully aside from SSH as i don’t want to have to prompt the user for a password if i can avoid it)
