AppleScript to make a text file?

Is there a way I can export a string within a script into a new text file (which the script would create)? Would I need to script a text editor to do this, or can I do it with AS or an osax? Thanks!

: Is there a way I can export a string within a script into a new text file
: (which the script would create)? Would I need to script a text editor to
: do this, or can I do it with AS or an osax? Thanks!

: Nicholas

There is a set of commands in the Standard Additions scripting addition that handles creation and use of text files.

open for access
get eof
set eof
close access
Marc K. Myers
4020 W.220th St.
Fairview Park, OH 44126
(440) 331-1074

[3/27/02 5:58:05 PM]

Thanks so much, Mark – it works beautifully. =)


: There is a set of commands in the Standard Additions scripting addition that
: handles creation and use of text files.
: open for access
: get eof
: set eof
: read
: write
: close access
: Marc K. Myers < >
: AppleScriptsToGo
: 4020 W.220th St.
: Fairview Park, OH 44126
: (440) 331-1074
: [3/27/02 5:58:05 PM]