with a little help from MAC OS X Daily, i put together a script to post to twitter. this can be used for automation for server updates. this one is just one asking for username and password and asking for your tweet, can be handy for autoposting.
Made by Trey Howell
Command came from macosxdaily.com
property your_user : ""
property your_password : ""
property twt : ""
display dialog "Enter Username:" default answer "Username"
set your_user to text returned of result
display dialog "Enter password" default answer "Password" with icon stop with hidden answer
set your_password to text returned of result
display dialog "Enter your Tweet" default answer "40 characters max"
set twt to text returned of result
do shell script "curl -u " & your_user & ":" & your_password & " -d status='" & twt & "' [url=https://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml]https://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml"[/url]