Applescript to save downloaded emails as PDF and their attachments

Hi all!

I have a request.

I am coming from MS outlook 2011 and due to system requirements in macOS 10.15+ I have to upgrade our Office suite to version 2019.

I had a script that saved each just downloaded email as PDF and their attachments in a folder tree > Date–>Sender–>MAIL_Date_Sender_Subject.pdf. Attachments are saved separately in that same folder using original name with ATT_ as prefix.
I will paste that script below.

Since Office 2016 we can no longer use mail rules to trigger “run a script”
But in Apple Mail it is still possible:D.

The plan was to continue use MS Outlook 2019 as daily driver (why? I am used to it and it has a nice feature set), and run Apple Mail parallel hidden in the background.

I saw something similar here that is almost there, althoug it depends on user input(selection) and shows the printer dialog.

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Here is the script that I used since Mac OSX 10.9 and MS Outlook 2011

current usage MacPro 2009 running Mac OS X 10.13.6
MacBook Pro running macOS 10.14.4

#begin script
delay 2 --let imap sync with server
--name for the main folder where the mails are saved 
property MailFolderIn : "inkomendeMail"
property MailFolderUit : "uitgaandeMail"

--name of the folder within the homefolder where the mailfolder is kept
property MailParentFolder : "Documents"

--prefix for mails
property MailPrefix : "MAIL_"

--prefix for attachments
property AttPrefix : "ATT_"

--Subroutine to remove special characters : / &
on RemoveChar(TxtCharRemove)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
	set TxtItem to text items of TxtCharRemove
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set TxtCharRemove to TxtItem as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
	set TxtItem to text items of TxtCharRemove
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set TxtCharRemove to TxtItem as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "&"
	set TxtItem to text items of TxtCharRemove
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set TxtCharRemove to TxtItem as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
	set TxtItem to text items of TxtCharRemove
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	set TxtCharRemove to TxtItem as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
	return TxtCharRemove
end RemoveChar

--subroutine folder creation
on MakeSubMap(PathNaarParentMap, NaamVanDeFolder)
	tell application "Finder"
		if not (exists folder NaamVanDeFolder in folder PathNaarParentMap) then
			make new folder in PathNaarParentMap with properties {name:NaamVanDeFolder}
		end if
	end tell
end MakeSubMap

(*--subroutine wachten tot de mail volledig is gedownloaded (gemaakt in Versie 5)
on WaitForMail(mailMsg)
	tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
		if (is partially downloaded) of mailMsg = true then
			repeat while (is partially downloaded) of mailMsg = true
				delay 0.5
			end repeat
			exit repeat
			--display dialog "volledig"
		end if
	end tell
end WaitForMail*)

--Boolean subroutine, to check if the mail is incoming or outgoing 
on CheckMailType(myMsg)
	tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
			if (was sent) of myMsg = true then
				return true
			end if
		on error
			return false
		end try
	end tell
end CheckMailType

--Boolean subroutine, to filter attachments smaller than 100kb (footers and stuch)
on CheckAtt(myAtt)
	--filesize ophalen
	tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
		set AttFileSize to file size of myAtt
		set AttFileType to content type of myAtt
	end tell
	if AttFileType = "image/jpeg" and AttFileSize < 50000 then
		return true
		if AttFileType = "image/png" or AttFileType = "image/gif" then
			if AttFileSize < 100000 then --100kB
				return true
				return false
			end if
			return false
		end if
		return false
	end if
end CheckAtt

Einde subroutines Begin hoofscript

-- collecting data from email

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
	set msg to first item of (get current messages)
	if ((subject of msg) is missing value) then
		set msgSubject to ("<no subject>")
		set msgSubject to (subject of msg)
	end if
	set MsgTimeSent to (time sent) of msg as date
	set MsgTimeSentStr to (year of MsgTimeSent & "_" & ((month of MsgTimeSent) as integer) & "_" & day of MsgTimeSent) as string
	set MsgSender to ((sender) of msg)
		set MsgSender to (name of MsgSender) as string
	on error
		set MsgSender to "unknown"
	end try
	set cAttMsg to count (attachments of msg)
	set msgToRecipient to ((to recipient) of msg)
	set msgRecipient to (first item of msgToRecipient)
	set msgRecipientAddress to (email address) of msgRecipient
		set msgRecipientName to name of msgRecipientAddress
	on error
		set msgRecipientName to "unknown"
	end try
end tell

--determenation of incoming or outgoing
if CheckMailType(msg) = true then
	set MailFolder to MailFolderUit
	set MsgSenderReciever to msgRecipientName
	set MailFolder to MailFolderIn
	set MsgSenderReciever to MsgSender
end if

--set the home folder and Documents als text
set DestPath to ((path to home folder) & MailParentFolder) as string

--set the path to the MailFolder in the MailParentFolder of the home folder
set MailFolderPath to DestPath & ":" & MailFolder

--set de subFolderMail folder with timestamp, on the date of the script, parameter
set MailSubTimeFolder to (do shell script "date '+%Y_%m_%d'")

MakeSubMap(DestPath, MailFolder) --maak een map inkomende of uitgaande mail is documenten

MakeSubMap(MailFolderPath, MailSubTimeFolder) --maak een map in inkomende of uitgaande mail met datum tijdens het uitvoeringsscript

MakeSubMap(MailFolderPath & ":" & MailSubTimeFolder, MsgSenderReciever) --map aanmaken per afzender in de datum map

set MsgSubjectFileName to MailPrefix & MsgTimeSentStr & "_[" & MsgSenderReciever & "]_" & RemoveChar(msgSubject) --naam creeren op basis van het onderwerp van de mail

set MailFolder to (MailFolderPath & ":" & MailSubTimeFolder & ":" & MsgSenderReciever) --path stellen naar de map waar de mails worden bewaard

if cAttMsg = 0 then
	set FileNameMsg to (POSIX path of (MailFolder) & "/" & MsgSubjectFileName & ".pdf") --filename creation
	tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
		print msg with properties {as pdf:true, path name:FileNameMsg}
	end tell
	MakeSubMap(MailFolder, MsgSubjectFileName) --map aanmaken voor mails met attachments
	set FileNameMsg to (POSIX path of (MailFolder) & "/" & MsgSubjectFileName & "/" & MsgSubjectFileName & ".pdf")
	tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
		print msg with properties {as pdf:true, path name:FileNameMsg}
		--opslaan van de attachments
		repeat with i from 1 to cAttMsg
			set Att to (item i of attachments) of msg
			--display dialog CheckAtt(Att) of me
			if my CheckAtt(Att) = false then -- bijlagen als png kleiner dan 100kb worden niet opgeslagen
				set AttName to name of (item i of attachments) of msg as string
				set AttName to RemoveChar(AttName) of me
				set AttName to (AttPrefix & MsgTimeSentStr & "_" & AttName)
				set tempPath to (POSIX path of (MailFolder) & "/" & MsgSubjectFileName & "/" & AttName) as string
				save ((item i of attachments) of msg) in file tempPath
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end if

if CheckMailType(msg) = true then
	display notification msgSubject & " is als pdf in archief geplaatst." with title "mail 2 pdf - " & MailFolderUit subtitle MsgSenderReciever
	display notification msgSubject & " is als pdf in archief geplaatst." with title "mail 2 pdf - " & MailFolderIn subtitle MsgSenderReciever
end if

delay 1

beep 2

Model: Mac Pro 2009, Macbook Pro
AppleScript: 2.10
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.13

Saving emails in as PDF involves GUI scripting, and you want one long time solution. So, read my post #17 HERE.