Applescript via osascript problem (sleepwatcher)

im trying to get a applescript to work, via a shellscript; osascript call.

(Running sleepwatcher, and trying to automount smb-shares)

This is my .wakeup script (that runs whet computer comes out o sleep

sleep 11
logger -t sleepwatcher “Connecting to the network drives”
/usr/bin/osascript /Users/Christo/.mount.scpt

and this is my AS:

	mount volume "smb://dws1210/Utbox"
end try

If i run the osascript call, from terminal, it seems to work correctly, and its mounting the remote drive. But i cant seem to get it to work from the shellscript.

When checking the log, it traces the “Connection to the network drives” correctly. But then nothing.

Can u guys help me out?

Hi Christolito,

From a programmers viewpoint, my first idea would be to get every possible error message produced. So maybe you should try to change your AppleScript code as follows:

	mount volume "smb://dws1210/Utbox"
on error errmsg
	do shell script "logger " & quoted form of errmsg
end try

This way you can trace the error, which might be currently surpressed.