Applescripting iTunes Help


I have a friend who has asked me to take three large collections of mp3 and merge them. No so bad right? But he wants to keep the best copies, meaning sorting them based on bitrate, rating, etc.

I can dump them into itunes and have it show duplicates then hand sort them, but it seems that Automator or Applescript would be perfect for the job.

I am a novice Applescripter at best so I’m asking can anybody out there get me started with the basic script? I should be able to modify it based on the criteria he gives me.

Thanks for the help.

Hi timsit,

First, you need to think about what it is you want to do. When you say sort by bitrate, etc., what do you mean?

Secondly, did you know that you can easily sort with iTunes? You click on which column you want to sort by. You can make different playlists with different sorts.

Thirdly, you can create smart playlists. You might make a smart playlist that has tracks with certain rating criteria. When you decide what you want to do, then you can think about an algorithm to write a script. For instance,

– go to library playlist
– get every track whose rating is less than some rating
– delete those tracks


Merge the libraries and then eliminate the duplicates with iDupe, my shareware (but unrestricted) program for the purpose.