I have a few scripts that I run that used to work fine whenever I ran them from iTunes or as compiled applications. Now, however, the only way to get them to run is to execute them within the AppleScript studio.
Can anyone advise me as to how to investigate why this is happening? I’m an OSX newbie and want to get to grips with AS!
I didn’t put any specific code because all AppleScripts are affected, but if it will help, here it is :
"Quick Convert" for iTunes
written by Doug Adams
v2.6.1 dec 31 2006
- fixed error thrown when conversion procedure is canceled
v2.6 march 24 2006
- fixed problem selecting CD playlist
- updated dialog and choose prompts to refer to import or convert depending on class of selected playlist tracks
- prevents selection of iPod or Radio playlist tracks; prevents attempt to convert URL tracks
v2.5 january 18 2006
- option to remove/delete original tracks/files
- option to convert to bookmarkable also renames AAC with "m4b" extension
v2.4 february 25 2005
- option to make tracks converted to AAC "bookmarkable"
v2.3 released may 22 '04
-- no longer works in OS 9
-- condensed code
-- more error checking
v2.2 released mar 4 '04
-- tidied up some routines
-- removed a superflous confirmation dialog
Get more free AppleScripts and info on writing your own
at Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes
global encoderBackup -- stores name of the current Preferences-set encoder to be restored when procedure is completed (or canceled)
tell application "iTunes"
-- inits
set choose_encoder_prompt to "Convert tracks using..."
set make_new_prompt to "Put converted tracks into new Playlist named...?"
set my_no_button to "No, Just Convert"
set del_opt to "Don't Delete!"
set movem to false
set bm_opt to ""
set myEncoders to name of every encoder
set encoderBackup to name of current encoder
-- exceptions
set thisPlaylist to view of front window
on error
my alert_user_and_cancel("Unable to access tracks in selected playlist...")
end try
set the_source to kind of container of thisPlaylist
if the_source is iPod then
my alert_user_and_cancel("iPod tracks cannot be converted. Select some tracks in iTunes...")
end if
if the_source is radio tuner then
my alert_user_and_cancel("Radio tracks cannot be converted. Select some tracks in iTunes...")
end if
-- which tracks
if selection is not {} then -- it's selection
set selectedTracks to selection
else -- it's the whole playlist
if thisPlaylist is library playlist 1 then -- but the WHOLE library???
my alert_user_and_cancel("Select some tracks first.")
set selectedTracks to (every track of thisPlaylist whose enabled is true)
end if
end if
-- empty playlist
if (length of selectedTracks) is 0 then ¬
my alert_user_and_cancel("No tracks in playlist!")
-- change prompts to refer to importing
if the_source is audio CD then
set choose_encoder_prompt to "Import CD tracks using..."
set make_new_prompt to "Put imported tracks into new Playlist named...?"
set my_no_button to "No, Just Import"
end if
-- choose encoder
set myNewEncoder to (choose from list myEncoders with prompt ¬
choose_encoder_prompt default items (encoderBackup as list) ¬
OK button name "OK" cancel button name ¬
"Cancel" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed) as string
if myNewEncoder is "false" then error number -128
if (myNewEncoder as string) contains "AAC" then set bm_opt to button returned of (display dialog "You have selected to convert tracks to AAC. Would you also like to make these tracks \"bookmarkable\"?" buttons {"No", "Yes"})
-- make new playlist?
set make_new to (display dialog make_new_prompt default answer ¬
"" buttons {"Cancel", my_no_button, "OK"} ¬
default button 3)
if button returned of make_new is my_no_button then exit repeat
if text returned of make_new is not "" then
set newPlaylistName to text returned of make_new
set movem to true
exit repeat
set make_new_prompt to "Enter name for new playlist..."
end if
end repeat
-- delete original tracks/files?
if the_source is not audio CD then set del_opt to button returned of (display dialog "Remove/Delete original tracks and/or files?" buttons {"Remove Tracks & Delete Files", "Just Remove Tracks", "Don't Delete!"} default button 3)
-- set new encoder
set current encoder to encoder myNewEncoder
-- convert/import selected tracks
with timeout of 300000 seconds
repeat with thisTrack in selectedTracks
if class of thisTrack is not URL track then
-- convert the track
set newT to item 1 of (convert thisTrack)
-- bookmarkable?
if bm_opt is "Yes" then my make_bookmarkable(get location of newT)
-- move to new playlist?
if movem then
if not (exists user playlist newPlaylistName) then
make new playlist with properties {name:newPlaylistName}
end if
set newPlaylist to user playlist newPlaylistName
duplicate newT to newPlaylist
end if
-- delete anything?
if del_opt starts with "remove" then
-- delete file, remove track
do shell script "rm " & quoted form of POSIX path of ((get location of thisTrack) as string)
delete (some track of library playlist 1 whose database ID is (get database ID of thisTrack))
end try
else if del_opt starts with "just" then
-- just remove track from iTunes library
delete (some track of library playlist 1 whose database ID is (get database ID of thisTrack))
end if
on error m number n
if n is -1728 then
my alert_user_and_cancel("User Canceled.")
end if
my alert_user_and_cancel((n as string) & " " & m)
end try
end if -- no URL tracks
end repeat
end timeout
set current encoder to encoder encoderBackup
if frontmost is true then
if gave up of (display dialog "Done!" buttons {"Thanks"} ¬
default button 1 with icon 1 giving up after 300) ¬
is true then error number -128
end try
end if
end tell
to make_bookmarkable(this_file)
tell application "Finder"
set file type of this_file to "M4B "
set nom to (get name of this_file)
if nom does not end with ".m4b" then
set newnom to ((text 1 thru -((length of (get name extension of this_file)) + 1) of nom) & "m4b") as string
set name of this_file to newnom
end if
on error m number n
-- display dialog m -- debugging
end try
end tell
end make_bookmarkable
to alert_user_and_cancel(message)
tell application "iTunes"
-- restore original encoder setting
set current encoder to encoder encoderBackup
display dialog message buttons {"Quit"} cancel button "Quit" default button 1 with icon 0
end tell
end alert_user_and_cancel
It’s from Doug’s AppleScripts and hasn’t been modified in any way. I run it both from iTunes and as a saved .app with iTunes running, but neither worked. Running it in Script Editor with iTunes running did work.
The same happens with all my scripts.
I’ve checked my console.log file and running my AppleScript app gives this error :
2007-03-01 22:51:26.316 NZBDownload.app[321] CFLog (21): dyld returns 2 when trying to load /System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component/Contents/MacOS/AppleScript
Any idea?
Try saving your script in your User:Library:Scripts folder. I have a few iTunes scripts that only function correctly when triggered from that location, instead of the User:Library:iTunes:Scripts folder. I have never investigated why that is, but it works for me.
You said you had a “few AppleScripts” that were acting up, and didn’t say you didn’t write them, so we can’t assume anything.
Do this, report back:
you$ cd /System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component/Contents/MacOS/
you$ ls -laF
you$ lipo -info AppleScript
Okay, this is the full transcript of the session :
Last login: Fri Mar 2 18:01:56 on console
Welcome to Darwin!
steves-computer:~ cellgfx$ cd /System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component/Contents/MacOS/
steves-computer:/System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component/Contents/MacOS cellgfx$ ls -laF
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Jan 22 21:52 ./
drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 204 Dec 20 21:43 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 12512 Jan 22 21:52 AppleScript*
steves-computer:/System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component/Contents/MacOS cellgfx$ lipo -info AppleScript
Non-fat file: AppleScript is architecture: i386
steves-computer:/System/Library/Components/AppleScript.component/Contents/MacOS cellgfx$
All feedback appreciated!
What kind of computer ya got, chief?
Ah, that would be an HP Compaq DC7100 running OSX 10.4.8, boss… yep - it’s a Hackintosh!