Appplescript Editor seems to be corrupt?? I am stuck.

The symptoms,

the editing panel zoomed itself in to about 3 times normal size,
it began to scroll slowly and randomly
the beachball timer came on,
and it’s permanently hung.

None of the applications it commands are running.
it’s not sending or receiving anything.

i have force closed but it restarts in exactly the same state.
I have deleted the plist preferences and rebooted. it is still the same.

The scripts themselves are fine

Also, if do force close it, when i restart it, text editor opens at the same time.
Applescript is the only app playing up.

Can i re-install applescript editor ?



Quit Script Editor. Go to ~/Library/Autosave Information and see if there are any Unsaved Script Editor… documents, and if so move them to the desktop. Try relaunching Script Editor.

Hi Shane,

Looked, nothing in there to move.

Thanks for looking!


Well, now my MacBook is doing it. This is while editing a different script.

Hung up now for an hour on the MacBook, and the iMac does the same.